Help plan some routes! The Bike Lake View rides are an hour long and are intended for riders of all skill levels. Following is some guidance for suggesting routes:
  • Aim for 5 to 7 miles.
  • Within boundaries: Diversey to Irving Park, Ravenswood to the Lake.
  • Mostly on side streets that are less intimidating to newer riders, but also highlight some main streets in our business districts. 

  • Avoid Lakefront Trail underpasses and Ashland. 

  • Avoid left-hand turns with oncoming traffic.
  • Starts at a good gathering place where we won't block sidewalks or traffic. (Should start at Seminary & Waveland for first few months.)
  • Ends somewhere we can enjoy some post-ride social time.

Views: 109

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This was the route for the January ride:
Here's the route for the Feb. 13 ride. Feel free to share feedback!

hi carnavas -- we're still doing rides on the second Sunday of every month, meeting at 10am at Seminary and Waveland. The next one is this Sunday, Sept. 9. Hope you can join us! I'd also love help with route planning for a future ride.

Join the LVCC Facebook to get invites for each ride in the future:

You can also join the LVCC email list here for email invites:


Hi carnavas -- I still need to create a route for this Sunday if you're interested and I'm not asking too late! Let me know if you're interested. We'll be starting at Seminary & Waveland as usual, and we've arranged a spot to end at for social time at 3716 N. Clark (right around the corner from the starting spot). Ride details here:

The route guidelines above are still good, though our Lake View Citizens' Council boundaries now go west to the Chicago River, and I'd also say it's fine to go outside the boundaries now and then. Mainly the goal is to stick to unintimidating streets and turns, since we often have kids and inexperienced riders. Feel free to email me at



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