Post your comments on any club rides you've done.  Let people know what they missed by not coming out.

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Five of us met up at Starbucks last night and had a nice little ride up to Dan Ryan Woods and out to Evergreen Park. The temperature was a little brisk, but it wasn't bad. Where was everyone else?
Three club members and a guest came out for the first of this year's RideCivil rides. RideCivil promotes civility between motorists, pedestrians and cyclists; sort of the anti-critical mass! We enjoyed an approximately 1.5 hour ride along busy and secondary streets, stopping at lights and stop signs (except the one on Longwood that Mary-Lynn blew threw..sorry!) No one seemed interested in stopping for some ice cream, but maybe next month the group can taste the gelato at Beverly's Pantry.

The ride will leave at 7:00 from 99th & Walden Parkway on the last Friday of everymonth. Hope to see more members out next month.

I didn't know about it, but put it on the calender for next month.
My new favorite bike path-Hickory Creek Bikeway. Remember the "Bobs" at Riverview? Up, down and around. Short but great workout. Get it off the OPT then take Schoolhouse Road back to the OPT.


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