If you have an invitation, click the link in the email to join. Or, why not create your own group?
A recreational cycling club for riders of all ages.
Website: http://www.beverlybikeclub.org/
Location: Chicago's Beverly neighborhood, 60643
Members: 25
Latest Activity: Aug 17, 2013
The Streets for Cycling 2020 Plan is about to get its public launch at an open house on…Continue
Tags: network, planning, public, input, route
Started by Anne Alt. Last reply by Anne Alt Mar 5, 2012.
I don't know how many of you have heard about Evergreen Park's approval of a huge new retail development, but this will have a significant impact on cycling in north Beverly and Evergreen Park. See…Continue
Tags: complete, ward, streets, 91st, western
Started by Anne Alt Jun 22, 2011.
I wsd wondering if the Beverly Bike Club is still in existance. There have not been any meetings if so I have not been notified of any. Please let me know the status of the club.
Started by REGINALD F. GRIFFIN. Last reply by Anne Alt Apr 29, 2011.
Post your comments on any club rides you've done. Let people know what they missed by not coming out.Continue
Tags: BBC, stories, recap, ride
Started by Anne Alt. Last reply by Mary Lynn Wilson Jul 11, 2010.
I talked to Paul Weise yesterday, and he said he's planning a New Year's Day ride. Here it is.
Those of you who enjoy mountain biking might be interested in this fundraiser for CAMBR - Cocktails with Christian Vande Velde on Sunday 11/13.
Are regular Tuesday and Thursday rides still happening? A friend just asked me, and I didn't have an answer for her. I've seen no e-mails or online postings in a few months.
I'm sorry I've been so absent this summer, but most of my time and energy has been going into a major landscape overhaul, and I've gone on few organized rides of any kind. If you want to see the results (still a work in progress), take a ride by 9700 S. Damen. Stop and say if you've got a minute. I'm still a slave to the shovel for now.
Happy Spring! Its Tuesday May 3, 2011. Testing the BBC/Chainlink communication tool... This note is posted on the comment wall, but I see that there is another way to send a message to all.
Merle & I plan to do our first 2011 BBC ride tonight, leaving at 6:30pm from Starbucks at 103rd and Longwood Dr. We look forward to meeting all other riders.
203 members
172 members
1 member
270 members
1 member
You need to be a member of *retired* Beverly Bike Club to add comments!