British Bicycles of Chicago


British Bicycles of Chicago

Whether you ride a Raleigh, Dawes, Rudge, BSA, Hetchens, Pashley, Humber, Sunbeam, Hudson, Moulton, Triumph, Hercules, or Cox, this group is for you!

Location: The City of Big Shoulders
Members: 172
Latest Activity: Feb 26

The Brits' Map of the Continent

Discussion Forum

4th Annual Indy Tweed Ride - 2 Nov 2013

Started by globalguy Oct 1, 2013.

What are you're trusty steel steeds? 87 Replies

Started by globalguy. Last reply by Hector Lareau Sep 5, 2013.

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Comment by Mike Bullis 5.5-6.5 miles on May 14, 2009 at 12:40pm
I can help you out with a 3 speed hub or three, rear fender, chain guard, generator, and maybe a headlight. I'll be at Lake Pepin this weekend, so we'll have to work something out at a later date.
Comment by globalguy on May 14, 2009 at 4:50am
What a fantastic project! At the Lake Pepin 3speed Tour 2 years ago, Joe who's from Indy brought a recumbent he'd built from a Raleigh Robin Hood. If you need any help, let me know...

Comment by Doug Haynes on May 13, 2009 at 5:39pm
So after the tweed ride I decided I needed a fine piece of British steel for the next ride in September but I have a deep desire to do it my own way so I am planning to build a British tall-bike as decked out as I can manage, as in full fenders, working 3-speed, full chain guard, lights and such, by the next ride and I was hoping to ask this wonderful group of enthusiasts for a little help; I need parts.

I already have a trashed out low step over Hercules for my top frame but I need more parts to make it all happen so if any of you have some janky stuff lying around you would like to donate or sell or a line on where I can cheaply purchase some of the following items I would appreciate it.

I could use the following:

Two more frames, preferably one, or both, standard frames.

One set of peaked fenders in decent shape, chrome if present can be shot but I would prefer them pretty straight. I might want an extra rear but I don;t have the whole design finalized yet.

A whole bunch of chain guards, condition does not matter.

3 speed hubs and wheels, functional if possible.

Generator and lights of vintage appearance.

Brakes, shifter and any accessories of properly vintage appearance and/or origin.

I would really like this project to be built out of all British parts if possible and look as true to the concept as possible with the exception of the whole height thing... I recognize some of the parts and accessories required to achieve this are uncommon, and valuable, and I am more then happy to compensate people for them. I am not looking for handouts, I just want to make sure I tap every resource out there to make sure this thing looks the part.


Comment by globalguy on May 13, 2009 at 12:22pm
U both ROCK!

Comment by Lee Diamond on May 13, 2009 at 5:11am
Gentlemen....the wonderful John Greenfield waxes poetic and euphoric and wonderfully RE: the tweed ride:
Comment by Mike Bullis 5.5-6.5 miles on May 12, 2009 at 3:55pm
Hmmm, different, I must say. I'm not a fan of Rap and this didn't help but......enjoyable in its' own way.
Comment by globalguy on May 12, 2009 at 4:18am
Fellow Nutters!

I think we have a new theme song for Winston's Tweed Rides! Possibly the best Rap about a cup of tea EVER!

Comment by globalguy on May 10, 2009 at 6:38am
Great film, thanks!

And I just realized that justJason might be interested in this blog post on Kraut bikes! It's by a buddy of mine up in the Twin Cities.
Comment by justJason on May 8, 2009 at 11:38am
Comment by John on May 8, 2009 at 3:39am
There are a few mass riders who have them and might go; we'll see their PFs now that the weather is warmer.


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