Looks like an interesting product.


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That would be ideal for certain situations, especially in the rain. This is my fav... http://www.doobybrain.com/2009/02/25/contrail-bicycle-chalk-drawing... I imagine the Law would not allow it to go on for too long.
I love it! Of course, it would only last as long as the rain stays away.

Eric Roach said:
That would be ideal for certain situations, especially in the rain. This is my fav... http://www.doobybrain.com/2009/02/25/contrail-bicycle-chalk-drawing... I imagine the Law would not allow it to go on for too long.
the chalk idea is pretty cool
Light lane looks interesting, but I doubt cars would see it until they were too close anyway. Costs too much.
ITs like back to the future. I think the chalk thing would be fun to see on a mass. Why whould the law care? its chalk and washes off.
I didn't see a price and the site mentioned prototype.
How much is it? Where is it available?

Alan Matejka said:
Light lane looks interesting, but I doubt cars would see it until they were too close anyway. Costs too much.
click on "Press". It's roughly mentioned in one of the reviews. I forgot which one.

Michael J Blane said:
I didn't see a price and the site mentioned prototype.
How much is it? Where is it available?

Alan Matejka said:
Light lane looks interesting, but I doubt cars would see it until they were too close anyway. Costs too much.
would be cool if you could program it do show diff shit..or words...like shit.
Well, I just checked all the websites under Press (Boston Globe didn't work) and the only costs that I found were $5,000 to $50,000 per mile of city bike lanes and that they were trying to keep the "Light Lane" under $50.00 but didn't think they'd be able to.

$50.00-ish doesn't seem tooooo expensive though.

Alan Matejka said:
click on "Press". It's roughly mentioned in one of the reviews. I forgot which one.

Michael J Blane said:
I didn't see a price and the site mentioned prototype.
How much is it? Where is it available?

Alan Matejka said:
Light lane looks interesting, but I doubt cars would see it until they were too close anyway. Costs too much.


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