The Chainlink


1) You put on your jeans and they already have the right leg rolled up.


2) You do laundry when you don't have any more clean bike shorts.







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Someone asks you about bicycle tires, and not only do you have an opinion, you name at least four brands, and the pros/cons of each.

That's why the first think I do on getting to work is to take the trash out to the dumpster in the alley. I don't know why, but it sometimes takes me a long time....

Julie Hochstadter said:
When you get to work and you are either overdressed or underdressed for inside and wish you could open the windows and get fresh air.
...your home office looks more like a bike shop than an office

Julie Hochstadter said:
When you take showers in your office bathroom...with a paper towel.

Done that...
When your friends on facebook think your longboard is just another type of bike you like riding and feeling all tribal with carving those waves of concrete.

When your SO tells you that you MAY NOT aquire any more bikes until you at least get rid of one of the ones you have first.  You know it is really bad when they don't trust you to the point where they insist that not only must you get rid of bikes first but the demand has increased to a 2/1 ratio or greater.


You start hiding bikes in the back of the garage, at friends houses, disassembled n parts up in the attic...

And the piles of stuff at work?

James Baum said:

When your SO tells you that you MAY NOT aquire any more bikes until you at least get rid of one of the ones you have first.  You know it is really bad when they don't trust you to the point where they insist that not only must you get rid of bikes first but the demand has increased to a 2/1 ratio or greater.


You start hiding bikes in the back of the garage, at friends houses, disassembled n parts up in the attic...

What happens at work stays at work...
Checking out the girl in Chipotle isn't complete until you can see if her shoes clip in.



You love hearing the sound of someone (including yourself) clipping in or out.

John Sirovatka said:

Checking out the girl in Chipotle isn't complete until you can see if her shoes clip in.
Your commute to and from work is the best part of your day (did someone already say that?)
Your heart rate goes up when you start driving up a long hill.


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