I was heading out to meet Lee and the neighborhood tour, but got a flat around McCormick and Pratt. So by the time I took care of the flattened biz, I realized I was NOT going to make the ride. So I opted to head into the North Branch Trail and ride up to the Botanic Gardens. So between the eerie lack of SuperWinds and having FINALLY positioned my cleats properly, I was feeling astoundingly proper.

All in all: 50 or so miles, and I ran into a former co-worker on the tail-end of my ride through the NBT. Her husband commented on the old t-shirt I was wearing (Raw Power--an old Italian hardcore band), and that kinda made my day. Then I meandered through the neighborhoods around the trail to see if I could possibly hook up with the end of Lee's ride, but didn't see anyone.

But DAMN was yesterday a fine day to be on a bike. When I got home, I felt guilty for being back inside!

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You are more awesome than I previously thought Jason! It was a beautiful day for riding no doubt!

I want to talk with you about collaborating on finding eateries to follow our neighborhood rides if you are interested in such a venture....could be both fun and fattening! Yum!

Cheers - Lee
Hell yeah, Lee. Let's make it happen!

P.S. I'm a old punk rock/metal/overall music lover kind of knucklehead that got sidelined by a bunch of idiot computer gigs and cycling stuff. ;-)
Yesterday was brilliant. Rode from my place (Southport between Belmont and Addison) Up Southport to Irving. Irving to Clark. Clark all the way to Division (enjoyed the Wrigley crowds for a bit) Divsion onto the Lakeshore Path. LSD up to Montrose. Montrose to Clark, Clark to Racine. Racine to Addison, Addison to Southport and home. Was a great ride.

Only downside was some spandex warrior drafting me for a long while on the path. If I don't know you then don't draft me. I pulled over at the totem without warning to get him off my ass.

Felt so bad about being home that I went back out for a 2nd ride in the afternoon. ;-) Great Day!
hey jason...check out....


that's one of my bands...more post-punk but you and me must share some stories soon....oh my metal days...my punk days....ah yes...

riding///eating///aggro music.....nice
Hi, sounds great. I live south, but would really like to take a few friends on this loop. Does the trail start at Caldwell and Devon, and is that where you took it from? Is there any parking there? Lastly, is this a paved route all the way to Botanic Gardens from that starting point, as most all of us would be riding road bikes/tires? Thanks.
Also, a good day for sunburn when you forget to pack a short-sleeve jersey.

70 degrees is hotter than probably a lot of us remember after this bone-chilling winter.
Also a good night to get rained on after drinking half a bottle of Absolut. oops. =X
Yeah. Tony, Hector and I got a bit wet on the LFP going home.

Ammo said:
Also a good night to get rained on after drinking half a bottle of Absolut. oops. =X
Glenn - yep, North branch is paved the whole way to the Botanic Gardens. And there is plenty of parking at Caldwell and Devon. Leslie and I did the whole thing yesterday, and Jason was right, it was a perfect day out there.

Glenn said:
Hi, sounds great. I live south, but would really like to take a few friends on this loop. Does the trail start at Caldwell and Devon, and is that where you took it from? Is there any parking there? Lastly, is this a paved route all the way to Botanic Gardens from that starting point, as most all of us would be riding road bikes/tires? Thanks.
yeah...great day...great band...but the ride from lincon square back to pilsen this morning was bullshit..haha and i got a flat...and i didnt have any of my levers...so i got to walk a couple miles...haha
Thanks YAJ, sounds like a ride we will be doing. We ride something similiar down south, the Old Plank Trail, which is somewhere around 40 miles or so. This will give us a change of scenery. Does is get crowded on the weekends? OK if it does, just wondering. Thanks again.
I just moved up from the midway area, so I'm familiar with Old Plank, I & M, etc. Generally, I think all the southside trails are less crowded than the northside trails. The earlier you can get out the better.


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