(Sarcasm hopefully felt over the InterWeb....)

So the Farmer's Almanac has predicted that this is going to be a Hell of a winter. If December has been any indication, I fear that outlook may be correct. In fact, it's snowed like a MF'er in places typically not affected much by mean winter: Austin, new Orleans, and Portland to name a few.

Last winter almost robbed me of my sanity. If this is going to be worse, I SERIOUSLY don't know what I'm gonna do. Especially if the city keeps up it's innovative "do nothing" approach to clearing the streets of snow.

Sigh. 8 days to New Orleans....and it BETTER be warm there!!!

Rant over. :-)

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I hear you dude. Yesterday every single person at my job was late. Partly for the city not clearing streets, and also because it took almost twenty minutes just to scrape ice off windshields. Why does it seem like Chicago always cuts back on the most typical needs for people living in CHICAGO, snow removal, public transit, etc. That would be like LA cutting down on smog control and breast implants...
Don't forget about the 2 inch snow rides at the handlebar, 7 PM (2311 West North) ...from bikewinter.org -

Snow Biking! Any day of two inches (or more) of new snow fall in Chicago, meet up for Winter cycling. We'll head off to some random location and enjoy the Winter Wonderland. All ages/abilities welcome. Contact Todd Gee - toddgee@yahoo.com.
Amen. I think if a city can't keep the streets safe (i.e. CLEARING them of dangerous ice & snow), it's simply not doing a good job! Seems safe travel when you live in the mean tundra would be an imperative.

Vando said:
I hear you dude. Yesterday every single person at my job was late. Partly for the city not clearing streets, and also because it took almost twenty minutes just to scrape ice off windshields. Why does it seem like Chicago always cuts back on the most typical needs for people living in CHICAGO, snow removal, public transit, etc. That would be like LA cutting down on smog control and breast implants...
I'll take a snow storm now and then... the low pressure systems that bring snow are usually easier on me than those high pressure ones that drive the wind chill down to 20 below!

I'm sure it's been discussed... is the snow-clearling slowdown affecting the path as well? I'd like to get a ride in this week south of the museums but haven't ventured over there lately.
The southerly route all the way to 71st has been basically clear and is being plowed. Rode the entire path Saturday and the only trouble spots were the ice wall at Montrose and Oak Street Beach. (There are morning ice slicks as usual however, but the trucks are clearing the snow.)
Nice! I wish I could be hanging with those guys right now, instead of hearing my co-workers exclaim "Dude! Your ride after work is gonna be a real mother f**ker!"

Ugh. And looking out the window, I can't help but agree. Is it normal to ALREADY be profoundly sick of winter? :-(

cutifly said:
Everyone at work is laughing at my bike getting buried in the snow. I think it's going to be a fun ride! A slow one, but a fun one!
J said:
The southerly route all the way to 71st has been basically clear

Thanks J!

JustJason - you're looking at it wrong. You are a SNOW RIDER - the elite of the cyclng commuters! You could just as easily be one of the lemmings stuck on the treadmill or in spin class at the gym. Oh wait... that's me.
Awesome way to look at it! Thanks for the pick-me-up.

But at the end of the day, my southern wiring just doesn't respond well to the desolate UberGloom that is winter here. I'm next to certain I get whacked down by SAD up north; biking through the tundra is one of the few things that keeps me sane. ;-)

Chi Tour de Cure said:
J said:
The southerly route all the way to 71st has been basically clear

Thanks J!

JustJason - you're looking at it wrong. You are a SNOW RIDER - the elite of the cyclng commuters! You could just as easily be one of the lemmings stuck on the treadmill or in spin class at the gym. Oh wait... that's me.
The day wasn't all that bad. It started snowing at about eleven and everyone seemed to be taking it slow. I was able to take the lane most of the day. But the way home...not so good. A fellow biker and I made it from the loop to grand and like noble before we had to throw in the towel and walk our bikes the rest of the way home. Defeat. But man, Grand was slippery as f##k and the cars were on a mission!

Safe travels, all.
Here's another bright side:

At least it's not face-stabbing freezing rain! :)

justJason said:
Awesome way to look at it! Thanks for the pick-me-up.

But at the end of the day, my southern wiring just doesn't respond well to the desolate UberGloom that is winter here. I'm next to certain I get whacked down by SAD up north; biking through the tundra is one of the few things that keeps me sane. ;-)

Chi Tour de Cure said:
J said:
The southerly route all the way to 71st has been basically clear

Thanks J!

JustJason - you're looking at it wrong. You are a SNOW RIDER - the elite of the cyclng commuters! You could just as easily be one of the lemmings stuck on the treadmill or in spin class at the gym. Oh wait... that's me.


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