Hello everyone, I'm new to the world of cargo bikes /long tails and I'm having trouble deciding between the EdgeRunner and the Yuba Mundo. I'm looking to haul a couple of toddlers around, run errands, pickup groceries. All that good stuff. Is there anyone on the forum with strong opinions on either of these bikes? I realize this may have been discussed before but I was wondering if any of the recent 2014 improvements has put one bike above the other.

Thanks for the help.

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Oops- I meant "Alt-Cycle", not AltBikes... sorry!  They are local as well and sell almost everything with or without electric assist. We got ours at J.C. Lind. I admit I have been curious about the BionX, but so far we do okay without any help.  My plan: kids get bigger, I get smaller. (Though actually I just get more hungry and my glutes keep bulging.)  

A little late to the discussion, but they are both solid cargo long tails with quality components. I would give the edge (no pun intended) to the Xtracycle because of the smaller rear tire (20 inch I believe). The lower center of gravity Edgerunner provides is nice when the bike gets loaded with cargo. Sometimes traditional long tails feel a bit awkward and fishy in the back with heavier loads. 

Congrats on the new bike!

My Trek FX with the FreeRadical rear end used to get "fishy" or feel wobbly with heavy loads. I always attributed it to the fact that it wasn't a single-piece cargo bike.  When I test road the Yuba, with no cargo, it felt very rigid.  Does the Yuba also feel wobbly with heavy loads?

Tyler Doerschuk said:

Sometimes traditional long tails feel a bit awkward and fishy in the back with heavier loads. 

Congrats on the new bike!

I have the Free Radical attachment. I assumed the wobbles were caused by low spoke tension on the rear wheel, but the connection probably has as much or more effect.
We have a second cargo bike with a smaller rear wheel. It definitely holds more weight but has greater "wobble". I suspect it may have something to do with the frame since the Yuba frame is a beast in comparison.

Hi Chris, I'm looking at bikes now. Did you end up getting either of these models? If so, why did you pick one over the other. I'm looking seriously at both the Edgerunner and the Yuba.

We went with the EdgeRunner 27D over the Yuba. The Yuba was a great bike but the EdgeRunner just felt better with both kids on it. We feel that smaller rear wheel really makes a difference with that rear weight, I know Yuba owners probably disagree. We also have a Surly Big Dummy which is also great! The EdgeRunner and Yuba ride in a little more of an upright position. The Big Dummy is more of a mountain bike feel. All great bikes, really comes down to personal preference, test them all. Make sure you go to a good bike shop that will let you load up the kids and take a real test ride. We bought ours from Green Machine Cycles ( 1634 W. Montrose) a great shop! Really friendly, knowledgeable staff! They set up a demo EdgeRunner with all the kid hauling gear so we could get a true test ride with both kids. We were hooked after that first ride.

Good luck!


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