I know, I know, anyone who has one doesn't want to sell it b/c they're awesome (or at least, that's what all the reviews say).  But since they last forever and maybe you got it for your kid who outgrew it, or whatever reason... sell it to me?  700c wheels preferred, but 26" would be fine too. 

I have a large DoggyRide trailer but it's really too small for my 90# rottie, and I'd like to take him on more adventures this summer with me (and to the vet, sorry bud) but feel bad cramming him into the large DoggyRide that is too small for him to lay down comfortably... he's under the weight limit but it's a bit top heavy, and I hate the axle hitch. 

Might also be interested in a Bikes at Work/Fresh Air trailer for general cargo or to convert to a dog trailer, or possibly a custom trailer that is comparably priced?  

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Do you have pics? That usually helps the item sell. :-)

It's a request to buy, not to sell.  Sorry if that wasn't clear!  If I find one, I will be selling my DoggyRide trailer most likely though!

I've been watching Craigslist off & on for a year or two, and haven't seen one, so thought I'd have better luck asking the community if anyone had one lying around that they weren't using or were willing to part with. 

Ah, thanks, sorry - so used to seeing items listed for sale. :-)

Have you looked at the offerings at JC Lind on Wells near Goethe? They had some cool trailers as I recall.


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