Going south on Ravenswood approaching Irving Park.  I have the green.  Not I'm about to get the green, not I'm about to lose the green.  I have the green.

For whatever reason, I'm cognizant of the lights towards my right, rapidly approaching left.  It's a cab.  White with light blue effects.

I really don't know how we didn't collide.  I turned left, turned my head even further left, jammed on my brakes and…

I'm pretty sure that the cab's path did not alter.  I landed on my left butt cheek.  I suspect a large bruise is forthcoming.

I've nearly died a number of times, ranging from falling out of a big rig when I was three, to getting square on run over by a two ton car a few years ago.

But for whatever reason, this morning's encounter has shaken me more.  Just the pure randomness of it.  A few hundredths of a second slower on the brakes and I wouldn't have the luxury of typing this from the comfort of my pillow.

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i ride up and down ravenswood all the time. to my understanding of the incident, the cab was coming from the west. if so, i wonder if the cab driver didn't see the light because of the Metra bridge. glad you're ok.
I'm glad that you're relatively okay, and that the incident wasn't worse. That sounds scary as hell.
Westbound cab was running a red and didn't stop. I was east of the tracks.

It's an obstructed view intersection due to the Metra pillars, and the intersection dipping down under the tracks.

I suspect I landed wrist first, as it hurts like hell right now.
The nature of being ...
I know this intersection well. I don't think that the obstructed view of the stop lights justifies why the cabbie ran the red. I'm always try to be more aware of my surroundings when traveling parallel to bridges.

Wait the cab was west bound. If that was the case, they are a huge Ahole
Glad you are mostly ok! No one like cabbies!!!
Yes, that is a tricky intersection. This is a good reminder to be extra cautious and watch out for east- or westbound vehicles at these visually obstructed intersections along the UP North line in Ravenswood.

Davo said:
I know this intersection well. I don't think that the obstructed view of the stop lights justifies why the cabbie ran the red. I'm always try to be more aware of my surroundings when traveling parallel to bridges.

Wait the cab was west bound. If that was the case, they are a huge Ahole
Eddie, I'm gonna guess you are 19? That about right?
I was going to go for 13, and plays XBOX LIVE too much.

Gabe said:
Eddie, I'm gonna guess you are 19? That about right?
No bashing XBOX Live ;-) That isn't what made Eddie a retard. Coulda been genetic. ;-)
Sorry Gabe. I've just heard stories about 13-year-olds on it that would make sailors embarrassed.

Gabe said:
No bashing XBOX Live ;-) That isn't what made Eddie a retard. Coulda been genetic. ;-)
Glad it was just some possible bruising.

That feeling that your legs are made of jelly - it means you're still alive.


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