This thing.

To be more specific, would you use it while riding?

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Not active any more, but there is a chainlink member who has been working on the same mousetrap.

Here's a link to a video.


Oh dear.

Suggestions for keeping my Nutbrella from fogging up?

I used up the better part of a 5 lb bag of potatoes trying to rub potato juice on it, but it didn't help.

There are so many disadvantages to that contraption I cannot begin to believe anyone thought it would be a good idea.

don't. resurrect. that. please.

Kevin C 4.1 mi said:

Not active any more, but there is a chainlink member who has been working on the same mousetrap.

Here's a link to a video.

Note the lack of a helmet. Maybe it works like a roll-cage for the head. This would be good since it would fog up quickly and rearward visibility looks to be sub-par, if you can even do a shoulder check. What the hell does it mount to? Your neck?

Also note, besides flat tires, the bike is totally cross geared.

So no, I would not use this thing under any circumstances, especially not riding.

oh no!!! ms pac man has gone carnivore!!!!

Ackickzzckuck. No.

Only if I could pump Nitrous oxide into it,

otherwise NFW


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