This afternoon I was getting bored of my Westside commute home from the shop and decided to find a new route.

I took a few turns through the residential streets  West of Pulaski.

Then I rode into an old vacant industrial strip north of 290.

I am in awe of the 4600 block of Congress!

I have been riding Chicagoland since '84 and have never seen such a chaos of asphalt ...ever........

Practically impassable, "the Street that Chicago Forgot", it literally looks like it took a Bombing from a B 52 air strike .

I just got home to grab my camera and roll back there.

More photos here


Please post what you think is the worst street in Chicago and document it for all to share and ride.


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If you notify 311, maybe they'll send out a repair crew next week.

Probably the 16-1700 blocks of S. Wentworth.

Just a wild guess-- is that somewhere on or near the Brachs campus?

I really doubt that any of us can top that!  And I thought Southport was bad!

peter moorman said:

No repairs.......... please!

I hung out here for 20 minutes to get a shot of a car trying to cruise through.

But like I said it is impassable, unless you have a monster truck.

No cars at all... this is the only car free zone in Chicago!

4600 West Congress

West of Kolmar

That's impressively decrepit.

I can think of a few places on the south side that could rival this.  Will have to see how those spots look when I next go that way and see if they've gotten better or worse since my last visit.

Yeah, but not as decrepit as the Congress of the United States. American's hold cockroaches in greater esteem.

Anne Alt said:

That's impressively decrepit.

I'd say that lands directly on the Alderman over there.  Michael Chandler?

So many potholes. 

California from Bloomingdale to Armitage is pretty rough.

Ravenswood around Rosehill is nasty.

dishonorable mention to....

oakley starting at the
tracks s of hubbard

and it was bad before
they started "work" on it..

southbound? here's a suggestion!...
just ride on the wrong side
believe me

it's worth it

still want more spanking?
oakley just south of ogden is a situation
comedy of public works
involving what seems
like blunt trauma

it appears someone has been popping by every other week or so, for many, many years, just to fling a bucket of asphalt from a speeding vehical!

not advised for the faint of heart

I can't see enough of the surrounding properties to tell whether it's residential or industrial there, but in some parts of the city (e.g. Illinois Manufacturing District) the businesses are actually responsible for maintaining the street.

peter moorman said:

Looks to like the border of 2 wards.

 24th  the south lane and 28th  the north lane of Congress

Throw in the BRC railroad that crosses there and everyone shirks responsiblity on the others to maintain it.

Typical Chitcago lameness.


oh come on, it's bad but it's not like theres bodies piled up on it.

armitage to north on california is awful!

Mike Zumwalt said:

So many potholes. 

California from Bloomingdale to Armitage is pretty rough.

Ravenswood around Rosehill is nasty.


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