I've always wanted to do a mock up for an ad - Want to lose the grey?  What to look 10 years younger - put on a bike helmet.

A guy wolf whistled me today.  Must be spring in the air.

I'm 60 and my husband (riding just behind me) is 73.


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There is  a point at which that which is normally offensive can be  (sort of) welcoming. Women are plagued  and harassed by such behavior. At a certain point I guess it's nice to know that you can still bring it on.  Getting carded at a bar can be a hassle. My wife got carded as we walking into a bar. She looked the guy in the eye and rather than give him the "REALLY?" look she gave him a hug and said "Thanks."

When you're 18 you're doing your best to look mature and confident and hope you can slip through with your older friends. When you're 21 to 24 you proudly display your id. From about age 25 to 30 you roll your eyes and deal with the protocol. From 30 to 40 you feel a slight satisfaction. From 40 on up, you feel thrilled. Now I have to beg bouncers to card me. They laugh and I feel devastated.

Mature IS sexy ! Life and love is not only for the young !

I wolf whistle at my wife all the time, perhaps your hubby is expressing his appreciation for the view?

Dear Dave Barish,

Many thanks for your note - yup, most wolf whistles and comments are offensive.  I interpreted this as light hearted (they were doing construction work) and the sun was shining.  It wasn't face to face nor leering.  

Maybe black tights, running shorts, highway green shoes and jacket is the new, next big thing.  


Nancy, you still have it. Say hello to your lucky hubby for me.

LOL. Would you consider yourself a cougar? A person who keeps him/her self in shape is attractive at any age. I remember reading an article not long ago about a guy who rode pretty regularly and was in better health than couch potatoes 15 years younger. And there is some truth to the adage that you're as young as you feel, which works for me since I have the maturity of a 12 year old.

I was frequently bothered my men when I biked in Uptown.


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