Thankyou Active Transportation Alliance, and everyone else that made for such a wonderful get together this morning. Very best regards, Tom

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Oops.  Forgot to stop by.  I hope there was a large turnout

Great turnout! Thanks for the coffee and cheesecake.

Oh Snap! I missed the event! (but still rode in)

Ronit, one of the Chainlink photographers took a lot of great pictures this morning.

Here's a photo of Winter Bike to Work Day on my commute through Busse Woods. The streets leading up to Busse are clear and large sections of the trail are also clear.

What a great day to be on a bike!

Nice meeting everyone this morning, and thx for letting me take your photo!

Oh dang it. I missed it as well...thanks for holding the event...much appreciated. 

Every day is Bike-to-Work Day! Glad to see a few others at Daley Plaza. Too bad the cheesecake was gone by the time I got there. Notice the Channel 5 personality in fron tof the Kozy tent.



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