Traffic 'round these parts dropped off pretty dramatically a few weeks ago... hard to tell from the "I rode today" thread who's still riding, as one would have to conclude that Gene is the only one out there most days by reading it....

Who's sticking it out and plans to continue to ride pretty much every day regardless of weather?

(Was winter 2013;   2014 starts on p. 36;   2015 starts on p. 61)


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It's a restless group, these chainlinkers.

Lisa Curcio 6.6mi said:

First string of hot days and we go to Winter 2015? :-)

Next thing we know someone will be putting up the Christmas lights.
Kevin C said:

It's a restless group, these chainlinkers.

Lisa Curcio 6.6mi said:

First string of hot days and we go to Winter 2015? :-)

First day I didn't notice the sweat!  HAHA!

But totally worth it.  I loved passing the 2x as long line of traffic as I cruised to work.  Took me no extra time despite the rain and I am waterproof so only the clothes needed drying.

Chris LaFrombois (8.5 mi - o.w.) said:

No need to feel sorry for us! It was very warm and a wonderful ride.

I saw one cyclist on the ride in this morning(6:30ish). It was somewhat of a refreshing ride.

It was raining Thursday morning, but that afternoon it was like riding through a car wash!


Steve Weeks said:

It was just a *little* sorry. :-)

I was dry, but a little sweaty. Six of one...


Chris LaFrombois (8.5 mi - o.w.) said:

No need to feel sorry for us! It was very warm and a wonderful ride.

Winter is Coming.

Aren't we being a little pessimistic?  ;-)

There is still plenty of great, comfortable riding weather left. I won't be putting the studded tires on until the end of November!


Beth Binkovitz said:

Winter is Coming.

It was a glorious day to ride a bike, but it seemed a little fallish.  I was with Erin Rensink today at the Renegade Craft Fair where she has a booth and is selling her cycling caps.  Lots of great choices if you are ready to think about winter riding, but some nice summer caps, too.  So you can choose--summer/winter.  Just ride you bike!

Yikes! Friday forecast for steady wind just over 30 mph and gusting to over 40 mph.  That might be a bit challenging.

Not fun.

Lisa Curcio 4.1mi said:

Yikes! Friday forecast for steady wind just over 30 mph and gusting to over 40 mph.  That might be a bit challenging.

Wow - CCM will leave costume bits in its wake!

My studded tires just arrived yesterday. Looking forward to trying them out in a month or so!


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