Traffic 'round these parts dropped off pretty dramatically a few weeks ago... hard to tell from the "I rode today" thread who's still riding, as one would have to conclude that Gene is the only one out there most days by reading it....

Who's sticking it out and plans to continue to ride pretty much every day regardless of weather?

(Was winter 2013;   2014 starts on p. 36;   2015 starts on p. 61)


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I am too busy issuing the following death threat to ride.  

Dear Mr. Groundhog:

Your day is coming up in 9 days.  If you see your shadow and claim that we are going to have six more weeks of winter, I am going to hunt you down, kill you and serve you as stew.  You had better not see your shadow, and if you do, you had better pretend that you did not.   And if we have six more weeks of winter as bad as the past several weeks, not only are you going to be stew, I am going to make a fur hat and gloves out of your family.

I am usually in the animal rights camp, but under the circumstances I might be willing to help out here.

Crazy David 84 Furlongs said:

I am too busy issuing the following death threat to ride.  

Dear Mr. Groundhog:

Your day is coming up in 9 days.  If you see your shadow and claim that we are going to have six more weeks of winter, I am going to hunt you down, kill you and serve you as stew.  You had better not see your shadow, and if you do, you had better pretend that you did not.   And if we have six more weeks of winter as bad as the past several weeks, not only are you going to be stew, I am going to make a fur hat and gloves out of your family.

Punxsutawney Phil!

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

I am usually in the animal rights camp, but under the circumstances I might be willing to help out here.

Crazy David 84 Furlongs said:

I am too busy issuing the following death threat to ride.  

Dear Mr. Groundhog:

Your day is coming up in 9 days.  If you see your shadow and claim that we are going to have six more weeks of winter, I am going to hunt you down, kill you and serve you as stew.  You had better not see your shadow, and if you do, you had better pretend that you did not.   And if we have six more weeks of winter as bad as the past several weeks, not only are you going to be stew, I am going to make a fur hat and gloves out of your family.

It is really cold out there. Just biked back from Lincoln Square to Uptown, a massive ride, and it felt like Siberia. Yikes.

You don't really believe any of that b.s., right? Today, we have satellites continuously monitoring weather conditions on earth, advanced supercomputers that model weather patterns and Doppler radar systems to provide the most up to date forecasts. But I don't put any faith in that crap either. I rely strictly upon those trusty woolly worms.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

Punxsutawney Phil!

Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:

I am usually in the animal rights camp, but under the circumstances I might be willing to help out here.

Crazy David 84 Furlongs said:

I am too busy issuing the following death threat to ride.  

Dear Mr. Groundhog:

Your day is coming up in 9 days.  If you see your shadow and claim that we are going to have six more weeks of winter, I am going to hunt you down, kill you and serve you as stew.  You had better not see your shadow, and if you do, you had better pretend that you did not.   And if we have six more weeks of winter as bad as the past several weeks, not only are you going to be stew, I am going to make a fur hat and gloves out of your family.

Tomorrow is looking like a distinct possibility!  Temperature by the time I leave around 7:30 is forecast to be around 3 degrees ABOVE zero.  The wind is going to be strong, but it will be a tailwind for me.  And during the day temperatures will rise to high teens.  It will be a happy day.

What is the direction of the wind in the morning? I am itching to ride. 

Here is the next two days.  Morning from the west and afternoon from the southwest. 

Thanks!  Looks like a crosswind for me, but that is not unusual when riding from the south.

It felt like a tailwind coming from the southwest this morning, but I think you should probably refer to a weather-map. One can plug in a zip code at and often get weather data that is a lot more relevant for you than say, O'Hare (unless you live at O'Hare of course).

I'm pretty sure that this was a record cold ride for me. 

Ryan Stahlman said:

Thanks!  Looks like a crosswind for me, but that is not unusual when riding from the south.

I very proudly say that I rode in today.  Yes it was a bit cold out there but I only have about a 1.5 mile commute.  What I forgot was my wind proof riding winter gloves but luckily I left them at work so the ride back shouldn't be problem.   


Josh.E said:

I very proudly say that I rode in today.  Yes it was a bit cold out there but I only have about a 1.5 mile commute.  What I forgot was my wind proof riding winter gloves but luckily I left them at work so the ride back shouldn't be problem.   


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