Traffic 'round these parts dropped off pretty dramatically a few weeks ago... hard to tell from the "I rode today" thread who's still riding, as one would have to conclude that Gene is the only one out there most days by reading it....

Who's sticking it out and plans to continue to ride pretty much every day regardless of weather?

(Was winter 2013;   2014 starts on p. 36;   2015 starts on p. 61)


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I haven't been riding due to the lack of clear streets... The 'driving' lane is clear-ish but the bike lanes are a rock-hard-icy-mess for the past month+. The past years I have boosted about how I ride in anything because the City does an amazing job of clearing the streets; this year I have eaten my words while taking the el. I look longingly out the train wishing I was on my bike but the roads I would travel still look like crap. 

Is calling 311 the answer?

h' 1.0 said:


Am I the only one posting here who is aware of how the city has dropped off on snow clearing? post at Active Trans makes a good point about following up. I hadn't thought of using the issue id (or whatever it is called) to follow up with my alderman. 

Since I only have last year to compare to, I don't think I really know.  Pedestrians, public transit riders, auto drivers and passengers do not have the same perspective as those of us on bikes, and I was all of those before last winter.

That being said, given the budget issues, the published fact that the city went over budget last year for snow clearance and expects to do so this year, I am sure you are right.  Even though they will not stop clearing main roads even when over budget, they probably won't spend the money to clear them well.  And the side streets--fuhgeddaboutit!
h' 1.0 said:

Am I the only one posting here who is aware of how the city has dropped off on snow clearing?

I totally agree on the temperature - bailing on the bike always means, for me, about 20-25 minutes walking and standing in office clothes and a winter coat, with a normal core temperature, in exactly the same elements. I'm always more comfortable after mile one on my bike, and even the finger/toe numbness is no worse than what I get with my office get-up. Don't quite get the eyeball freeze on the walk to work, though.

My route is about nine miles, with seven along the LFT, so the bail factor for me is usually blinding snow or uncertainty about LFT clearing, since I commute pretty early and LFT clearing can be unpredictably late sometimes, relative to the streets. Not even ice is a serious concern on the LFT, since you can usually go as slow as you like without worrying about ending up under someone's car.

As a result, I feel kind of bad that it's as easy for me as it is, since it seems like a lot of you have to deal with a lot of crap, coming in from the north and northwest neighborhoods - like I'll never really be harcore. Ha!

Rode my bike to the Metra station. Seems like a good compromise on these really cold days with recent snowfall. Still feel somewhat smug, without feeling as beaten up once I get to work.

That seems perfectly reasonable to me in weather like this.

Duppie said:

Rode my bike to the Metra station. Seems like a good compromise on these really cold days with recent snowfall. Still feel somewhat smug, without feeling as beaten up once I get to work.

The last two mornings have been fairly brutal with my fingers and toes getting numb. My core and legs were warm for the most part until I got to the Loop and got stopped at every red light on Dearborn. Still better than walking to the 'L' and filing into a packed train. It's nice to stay active though the winter.

And doncha know that I looked out my window and it is snowing AGAIN!


Last year there was not enough snow to go over the budget.  They could spend money clearing everything. I think I remember them even sending a plow down the alley, but that might have been a dream.

Maybe in prior heavier snow years there were not the huge deficits that have put the budget issues in the spotlight.
h' 1.0 said:

Is this the first year the City of Chicago has had a budget?

Winter riding is brutal yet does keep you active.  I just hate how riding in the snow and wind and sleet causes me to dread riding.  I think cold head winds are my nemesis.

Can't wait for 45 degrees and slush free roads!

The snow over new years and the polar vortex apparently chewed through about half of this year's budget.  I think the city is already in economize mode.  

h' 1.0 said:

The budget issue we were informed of was supposed to "reset" on January 1st. 
Lisa Curcio 4.1 mi said:


Last year there was not enough snow to go over the budget.  They could spend money clearing everything. I think I remember them even sending a plow down the alley, but that might have been a dream.

Maybe in prior heavier snow years there were not the huge deficits that have put the budget issues in the spotlight.
h' 1.0 said:

Is this the first year the City of Chicago has had a budget?

Wimpy here! I ride a seven-mile stretch of the Great River Trail to work when weather permits, but about four of those miles are not plowed (dang city of Rock Island). So it's a big ice sheet suitable only for skating. And the roads are never bike-friendly in town around here; much much scarier when they're cramped with snow banks on either side. 

To top it all, it's been too dang cold. Really really cold. Too cold for the likes of me!

But I hate driving my car very much.


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