Traffic 'round these parts dropped off pretty dramatically a few weeks ago... hard to tell from the "I rode today" thread who's still riding, as one would have to conclude that Gene is the only one out there most days by reading it....

Who's sticking it out and plans to continue to ride pretty much every day regardless of weather?

(Was winter 2013;   2014 starts on p. 36;   2015 starts on p. 61)


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We few, we happy few!

Oh I am very visible--lights on bike and helmet front and back, reflective vest.  What scares me about the cars on the side streets is not that they pull out too far but that they don't anticipate the slippery conditions at the stops and slide right on out.  Call me chicken--I am!  

And there is real snow falling right now although I cannot tell what is happening on the street.  It is starting to accumulate on the roof of City Hall. ;-)
Rich Evans said:

Been a while since any of us have seen real snow.  My plan is just to sport lots of lights, and stay a bit further out (left) to stay very visible, take it slow and easy, and try like the devil to avoid any quick turns.  You're right about the cars on side streets -- they love to pull ouot into traffic, and sure aren't looking for us.  For those guys, I find a helmet light helps a lot -- you can aim and move your head a little to get their attention; they may be pissed, but they'll see ya then :).


Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

So to revive a more straightforward thread--I have managed the cold, hated--but managed--the wind, but if it really snows I am leaving my bike at work tonight.  Although the main route home was okay, the cars at the side street intersections scared the heck out of me.  And I don't think my bike is going to like real snow, either.

I don't blame you for being wary about cars on side streets for that very reason.  That's the reason why I tend to stick to cleared streets as much as possible in winter - not because I can't ride in some snow, but because too many people can't drive in it.

Lisa Curcio 4.0 mi said:

Oh I am very visible--lights on bike and helmet front and back, reflective vest.  What scares me about the cars on the side streets is not that they pull out too far but that they don't anticipate the slippery conditions at the stops and slide right on out.  Call me chicken--I am!  

And there is real snow falling right now although I cannot tell what is happening on the street.  It is starting to accumulate on the roof of City Hall. ;-)

I biked today. It's my first winter and as I sit here looking out my window I'm a little worried about getting home in the snow. Any advice? Do all CTA buses have bike racks in case I chicken out?

Yup. Just test the rack first to make sure the spring still tensions.

Teresa said:

I biked today. It's my first winter and as I sit here looking out my window I'm a little worried about getting home in the snow. Any advice? Do all CTA buses have bike racks in case I chicken out?

Yes, you can put your bike on any CTA bus rack any time of day. Bikes are also allowed on the 'L', but not between 4-6pm.

Teresa said:

I biked today. It's my first winter and as I sit here looking out my window I'm a little worried about getting home in the snow. Any advice? Do all CTA buses have bike racks in case I chicken out?

Yes, all buses have racks.

Teresa said:

I biked today. It's my first winter and as I sit here looking out my window I'm a little worried about getting home in the snow. Any advice? Do all CTA buses have bike racks in case I chicken out?

Okay. Thanks. I might try riding first and see how the roads are.......

h' 1.0 said:

Yup. Just test the rack first to make sure the spring still tensions.

Teresa said:

I biked today. It's my first winter and as I sit here looking out my window I'm a little worried about getting home in the snow. Any advice? Do all CTA buses have bike racks in case I chicken out?

The roads in the Loop are free of snow with a smattering of salt. At the very least, main roads will be snow free, secondary roads should be 99% clear as well. We really didn't get much snow at all.

Teresa said:

Okay. Thanks. I might try riding first and see how the roads are.......

h' 1.0 said:

Yup. Just test the rack first to make sure the spring still tensions.

Teresa said:

I biked today. It's my first winter and as I sit here looking out my window I'm a little worried about getting home in the snow. Any advice? Do all CTA buses have bike racks in case I chicken out?

Loop sidewalks are another matter.  My lunchtime walk was a slip-and-slide experience.  Streets were much cleaner than sidewalks.  :(

Kevin C 4.1 mi said:

The roads in the Loop are free of snow with a smattering of salt. At the very least, main roads will be snow free, secondary roads should be 99% clear as well. We really didn't get much snow at all.

It's the salt that has me on the CTA today.  I rode through every condition a few winters ago, and the salt destroyed my bike.  What does everyone do to keep their bike in shape if you ride in the salty slush?  

Kevin C 4.1 mi said:

The roads in the Loop are free of snow with a smattering of salt. At the very least, main roads will be snow free, secondary roads should be 99% clear as well. We really didn't get much snow at all.

Full coverage fenders go a long way to keeping salt and crud off the bike.  

JM 6.5 said:

It's the salt that has me on the CTA today.  I rode through every condition a few winters ago, and the salt destroyed my bike.  What does everyone do to keep their bike in shape if you ride in the salty slush?  

Kevin C 4.1 mi said:

The roads in the Loop are free of snow with a smattering of salt. At the very least, main roads will be snow free, secondary roads should be 99% clear as well. We really didn't get much snow at all.


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