Traffic 'round these parts dropped off pretty dramatically a few weeks ago... hard to tell from the "I rode today" thread who's still riding, as one would have to conclude that Gene is the only one out there most days by reading it....

Who's sticking it out and plans to continue to ride pretty much every day regardless of weather?

(Was winter 2013;   2014 starts on p. 36;   2015 starts on p. 61)


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Replies to This Discussion  I am sure that would work.  I have also been advised to pony up and get some sport glasses.  I guess I need to save up my lunch money!


Anne Alt 2-10 said:

Have you tried ski goggles?  They'd probably solve your watering eye problem.


I have ski goggles, and still they fog up. Cat crap helps. Mine were a cheaper brand, and spending more money would probably help. I got some with a yellowish tint, but on dark mornings visiablity is reduced. I would like clear. But they really do help keep your face warm.

You might find a deal on the Campmor web site or on sale at REI or other sources.

I got ventilated ones (not cheapos) and fogging is minimal.

Steve Courtright said:  I am sure that would work.  I have also been advised to pony up and get some sport glasses.  I guess I need to save up my lunch money!


Anne Alt 2-10 said:

Have you tried ski goggles?  They'd probably solve your watering eye problem.


I have these goggles:

They work as well as my more expensive Oakley goggles:

Both fog up when I'm standing still, but when I ride, the air dissipates the fog.

Mark Newald said:

I have ski goggles, and still they fog up. Cat crap helps. Mine were a cheaper brand, and spending more money would probably help. I got some with a yellowish tint, but on dark mornings visiablity is reduced. I would like clear. But they really do help keep your face warm.

This winter doesn't count so far.

So (sadly) true!


Mark said:

This winter doesn't count so far.

I got my goggles from Sierra Trading Post.  Not cheap, but not ridiculously expensive with their discount.  They are Smith ski goggles with a slightly tinted lens--not suitable for night but okay with overcast.  I am pretty sure they were a discontinued model, but who cares.  I never do ride fast, so don't know how they would hold if I were really breathing hard, but so far no fogging.  They do have a ventilation system.

Sierra Trading Post is another good discount source.  Thanks for mentioning it.

Cabelas silk longjohns are on sale, too.  I use 'em from about 20 degrees and below, and they're a light, comfortable and surprisingly toasty base layer -- especially under a wool mid-layer and something to break the wind. They breathe well, and don't leave ya stinky. 

I need a good solution for keeping my feet warm while still using my MKS toe clips.  I cant fit in insulated boots with the clips, and heavy socks and my usual Sambas just don't do it.  It takes a good 30 minutes at work for my feet to thaw.  Any suggestions?

Skip the clips for winter and get nice fat platform pedals; I want to be able to get my feet on the ground as fast as I can in the winter anyway.

Dave Grossman said:

I need a good solution for keeping my feet warm while still using my MKS toe clips.  I cant fit in insulated boots with the clips, and heavy socks and my usual Sambas just don't do it.  It takes a good 30 minutes at work for my feet to thaw.  Any suggestions?

Went on a Chicago Critical Lass route planning ride tonight after work. Critical Lass is tomorrow evening. Ladies join us, please! 

The wind was intense on our way home, but the rest of the ride was pretty awesome. I seldom Riverwalk to LFP and it is wonderful at night in the winter. 

Details here:


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