Wicker Park Committee votes against protected lanes on Milwaukee

DNA Info article says that Wicker Park Committee has voted against protected bike lanes on Milwaukee between North Avenue and Division due to concerns about the effects on motor vehicle parking.


"It would kill the merchants. For the sake of bikes you're disturbing vehicle and pedestrian traffic.  What are you going to do, walk a block and a half to cross the street? ... Why don't we create a second level bike lane that goes over the streets like the "L" tracks?" said Kevin O'Donnell, owner of Pint Bar, 1547 N. Milwaukee Ave.


O'Donnell, who has owned Pint for nine years, said parking is already tough on Milwaukee, "a corridor rich with retail and restaurants."

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Did you say drivers would gladly pay double for parking when they used to get twice as much parking for half the cost?

peter moorman said:


and drivers would gladly pay for the convenience of those sacred spots,

I got doored on Milwaukee last night! I could have used those protected lanes.


I hope you are OK Yolandra!  That section of Milwaukee is a terrible area with so many doorings. It makes me really angry that there is so much resistance to fixing the dooring issue there for bikes.  I remember riding home from CCM last fall and seeing two different bicyclists being loaded into ambulances from fresh doorings as I rode home through that area.  It's incredible that a few hundred parking spots are worth the carnage they cause us to these entitled car-drivers. 

There are some really good bicycle-specific lawyers in the Chicago area, and if you have any issues with this dooring Yolandra I would suggest you look into one of them right away to represent you.

h' 1.0 said:

Are you OK?

Yolondra Yarborough said:

I got doored on Milwaukee last night! I could have used those protected lanes.

I'm ok. He was getting out of a taxi on the right side in traffic, so I was lucky that I fell into a parking spot and not into traffic or a parked car. Thanks for the info.

The whole reason why I signed that petition was because Dustin almost became dust from that ragged stretch of Milwaukee. Doored, floored and run friken over!

Kevin C said:

Incorrect. CDOT is still going ahead with its plans to put a protected bike lane on Milwaukee Avenue between Racine and Kinzie, where a PBL is completely unnecessary.

Juan 2-8 mi. said:

Soooo, the petition we all signed had nil effect. ARG


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