"She's also been able to quit the gym and join several cycling clubs and organizations, including Chicago-based The Chainlink."

For the full article click here: https://www.dnainfo.com/chicago/20160905/garfield-park/why-this-cyc...

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Ah, thanks for catching this Gene. I'm so glad DNAinfo chose to highlight both you and Melissa in addition to the Epic Bike Story contest. Lots of great stories about cyclists doing cool and epic rides on their bikes. 

I bike in the city to do all my errands.  Sometimes I bike to work (far, in the suburbs).  Sometimes I bike/train to work.  My suburban colleagues spend a lot more time in their cars, but some of them also spend time and money at a health club.  The results (them/me) are similar.  But I think I'm happier.  My exercise lets me see the city and interact with people.  Their interaction is with some machines while watching TV.


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