Car-free "ciclovia" events are flourishing in cities across the U.S., so why did Chicago's fizzle? This week Vote With Your Feet checks in with staffers from Active Trans, CDOT and the Logan Square Neighborhood Association to find out why there won't be a major Chicago ciclovia this year, and what the future hold for Open Streets.

Keep on biking, walking and transit-ing,

John Greenfield

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Amen Brother!
Yeah that would suck (still not believing it). I just read your article ("Boulevard of broken dreams") in TimeOut (Aug.5-11 pg.6).
It's disappointing, of course, but I agree with ATA's priorities here. I'd much rather see them focusing on building permanent infrastructure rather than spending time and money on another holiday/festival type event.

Obviously, it would be better if the city would step in and we wouldn't have to make these choices, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards right now.


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