Why Don't Bicyclists Get Ticketed For Running Red Lights? These Guys Did

WICKER PARK — For those who ask, "Why don't cyclists ever get ticketed?" the answer is sometimes they do. Two Monday morning rush-hour bike commuters got tickets for running a red light by a police officer who'd been stopped at the same red light.

For the full article go here.

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Mr Kehm sounds like the whining drivers that get caught by a red-light camera

Stop making excuses, Mr Kehm, and own your actions.

Good for them. I saw a biker on Dearborn this morning swerve into oncoming traffic, weave through pedestrians on one side then have to stop for pedestrians on the other, eventually forcing their way through, to avoid stopping for 30 seconds in a marked and signaled bike lane.

I want to see enforcement for keeping traffic out of bike lanes, but I also want to see the can't/won't/don't stop riders to change their behavior as well. If you're serious about anarchy go plant a bomb or something.

I read the article.  Sounds like that Steve Kehm guy needs a new pacifier.


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