Why Cycling Makes Us Happy: The Positive Psychology of Being on the Bike


Great article and excellent list of reasons why cycling makes us happy based on the science of positive psychology.

Article by Justin Coulson - Source: Cyclingtips.com

Cycling is a beautiful sport. We experience it when we ride and race. For the ever increasing number of us that have caught the cycling bug, we know how happy cycling makes us.
But what is it that makes us love cycling so much? Why are we so compulsively drawn to it? Why does cycling make us happy in a way that other sports can't? . . .

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I am not an athlete and pedaling my bicycle isn't a "sport" to me. Pedaling my bicycle makes me happy though.

Thanks for posting. All I know is that if I am having a bad day, the best thing I can do is get on my bike. Definitely ideal to ride outside but during the winter, I love going to my indoor training classes. I get what is jokingly referred to as "race brain". I am so wiped from the training, my brain can only process happy. Ok, maybe that's not technical or medical but that's how I feel. Good all over. 

Just a note about this article. The writer is from down under; Australia mate! The cycling culture is a bit different and it emphasizes the "sport" racing aspect a bit more. What I liked about this article was the list of reasons why cycling makes us happy. So "Happy Friday" everyone !

Beans said:

I am not an athlete and pedaling my bicycle isn't a "sport" to me. Pedaling my bicycle makes me happy though.


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