Who will/has ridden when it is -13 with wind chill of -40?

How will/have you done it?  I no longer debate with myself whether to ride when it is -1 or -2 and the wind chill is *only* -10 to -15, but I have been debating with myself about Monday and Tuesday riding.  So far the "Are you crazy" side is definitely winning, and I am leaning to waiting until it warms up to -1 on Wednesday before I ride again.

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Is anyone's office/work closing tomorrow? Or allowing a "work" from home day?

rik said:

Monday would be a good day to wear motorcycle helmet with a full face shield.
Bus\train til Wednesday at least.

Yep, the debate is over.  I finally said to myself, "self, if the city is not shut down take the train."

If you bike in 0 degree weather doesn't the derailer freeze up and will the brakes still work?

No. Yes.

Is anyone's office/work closing tomorrow? Or allowing a "work" from home day?

Yes, my office is having everyone work from home tomorrow (although I work from home anyway).

I've noticed even yesterday that buses were running pretty erratically, with lots of 30+ minutes between buses on the bus tracker for buses that normally run every 10 minutes or so. I can only imagine it will be worse tomorrow as the salt stops working and all the slush freezes. Waiting for a bus when it's 10 below with 25mph winds is going to be rough.

I just got an automated call announcing the closing tomorrow.

I was most concerned about street conditions.  The city has not been doing as good as in past winters and salt is not going to work very well in these temps.  Plus all the blowing snow will re-coat the roads.  I may venture out anyway just to see what its like

Eric R said:

Is anyone's office/work closing tomorrow? Or allowing a "work" from home day?


DanGer 8.2mi said:

I won't ride to work because it is just too dangerous. I will ride somewhere just to see what the cold feels like. When it is 100 degrees and 100% humidity it will be my new 'happy place'.

I'm not sure but I imagine it depends on the ability of the lubrication to not freeze. I bet Dug has some good insights on this.

El Dorado said:

If you bike in 0 degree weather doesn't the derailer freeze up and will the brakes still work?

I just saw a girl cross-country cross-city skiing.

I'd love to have one of these right about now:

It is the waiting for and walking to/from the bus is why I figure riding would be just as uncomfortable and both leave me outside for roughly the same amount of time.

I mean, people have ridden across Antarctica so riding tomorrow can't be that dangerous... http://halfpastdone.com/2012/12/06/pedaling-across-antarctica/

Eli said:

Is anyone's office/work closing tomorrow? Or allowing a "work" from home day?

Yes, my office is having everyone work from home tomorrow (although I work from home anyway).

I've noticed even yesterday that buses were running pretty erratically, with lots of 30+ minutes between buses on the bus tracker for buses that normally run every 10 minutes or so. I can only imagine it will be worse tomorrow as the salt stops working and all the slush freezes. Waiting for a bus when it's 10 below with 25mph winds is going to be rough.


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