Who was riding westbound in the eastbound Kinzie Protected bike lane this morning?

I was behind 2 other riders when someone went flying by going west in the eastbound Kinzie bike lane.  The riders in front of me swerved and so did I, almost into one of those pole things.  You should have been on the other side of the street, in the other bike lane.  If your on this board, please don't do that.  Its really uncool.

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clothesline the bastard
I second that motion!

iggi said:
clothesline the bastard
I think I was riding with you... That really caught me by surprise.. I was like "wtf mate?!"
Yeah I was last guy in that pack. Everyone swerved and I almost clipped that person.  I shutter to think how that would have ended. 

Kevin Gebhardt said:
I think I was riding with you... That really caught me by surprise.. I was like "wtf mate?!"
I'm a perv, not a perp ;-)

Gabe said:
I'm a perv, not a perp ;-)
HA! Was responding to Howard. ;-) I leave the tourettes to Aaron ;-)
Is it salmon season? Seriously I have seen more back asswards bike riding this summer than ever. 
I think they're spawning. So if you take one out, it won't be able to reproduce.

Are they like asian carp? If so, we need some electric fences.


I always give them the cold shoulder, litterally pushing them out into traffic. Do not yeild!
I just give them a dirty look and shake my head at them.


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