Spotted on Google Maps:

Click image for larger view.  I don't have the technology to reconstruct the details missing from his water bottle and left knee, sorry.

Bonus points if you can roughly identify the location.

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Can I hit him with a golf club if it is?

J. Smith - 4.3mi said:

Is that Dan Cortese from MTV sports?

One hundred percent chance that's my good friend, Mike G. or 13 as he's known in the messenger community. He works for CMS.

Ethan Spotts, Active Trans

100 percent chance is a pretty high degree of certainty. Anyone else willing to go 110%?

Active Transportation Alliance said:

One hundred percent chance that's my good friend, Mike G. or 13 as he's known in the messenger community. He works for CMS.

Ethan Spotts, Active Trans

Nice sleuthing, Sherlock! :)

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

The watermark indicates that the picture was taken in June of 2011. Also the mix of people in buisness casual walking toward Union Station and people dressed casually walking away from Union Station, gives the street scene a sort of Friday afternoon feel. I'd say Friday, June 17, 2011 is a good guess.

Nançois 8.5 said:

Could the arm-band have come from the Bike to Work Week Rally on Friday, June 17, 2011?

The shadows certainly indicate near noon near the summer soltice.

Nançois 8.5 said:

Could the arm-band have come from the Bike to Work Week Rally on Friday, June 17, 2011?

No.  It was cloudy that day.


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