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Anika's inspiring tale of life as a cycling piano tuner in another thread got me to wondering if there are similar stories in our midst...

Who here manages to do a "mobile" job, e.g. visting homes or businesses primarily by bike?

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I build furniture at various retail stores and houses around the area and its pretty much exclusively bike.  A busy week will put me around 200 miles, average about 100 miles.  Normally all chicago, but sometimes I'll take a project way out just to do something new.  Today I did Joliet (took the metra out there/back) and WOW is it fun to power through some hills :)... even with taking the train I still put on 31 miles since I had such a blast riding through some new terrain :)

Typically a backpack with drill/handtools, I tried the rear rack but had alot of problems and the handling was too disrupted with any weight back there.

I never set out to be this spread out but I had 3 separate clients move out NW and they are all daily clients and all pay on time. I just picked up a puppy that needs two a days at Diversey/ Sheffield. UG!
So far I'm still able to swing it. Many of my stops are adjacent to the redline so for that stretch of the day I'm on and off the el.

Holly said:

Paul--haven't seen you in a long time. You ARE spread out, indeed! That must be trying at times.  

I also go to Old Irving, but only for one walk and it's typically at the end of the day. I can't or won't drop them because they're my best friends and I love them and their dogs!  Some days, I think it's the bane of my existence.  Once I'm about a half mile into the ride, I feel fine with it. 

Unless you're maxed-out, I'd be happy to send business your way, too. I am pretty busy, but I still seem to have some room in the day and would greatly appreciate referrals. Puppies are welcome. I have morning time as well as afternoons. 

A.K.A Paul said:

Like Holly I'm a dog walker and do it all by bike (some cta). I agree with Holly, much easier than a car.

Unfortunanely I'm spread out waaayyy too far in all directions. I service Lakeview, Roscoe Village, Old Irving, Jefferson Park, and Edgewater.

Holly, next time I get a referral in your area I'll be send it your way.
Another pet care professional, aka dog walker, that travels daily by bike here. This is my first winter in Chicago, though I did spend the last 5 year in Vermont so cold and nasty ain't something new. One thing that really nice about Chicago winters is not having to shovel out the dog before you walk it. Not having 4 foot of snow on the ground is such a welcome chance and biking in Chicago is much more enjoyable than good ol VT.

I usually get 5min inside with each dog which give me time to warm up the toes and fingers.

For 8 years I rode to over 2,000 homes and businesses to measure living and working spaces to draw floor plans for real estate marketing. I did almost every job by bike, through the nice and the shit weather.

I even drew some floor plans for Julie Hochstadter long, long ago. :)

Yes! I totally remember when you showed up on bike in the cold rain in the west loop. I have a pic of you on top of a loft wall that I have to post. That's dedication.


For 8 years I rode to over 2,000 homes and businesses to measure living and working spaces to draw floor plans for real estate marketing. I did almost every job by bike, through the nice and the shit weather.

I even drew some floor plans for Julie Hochstadter long, long ago. :)

I didn't see the other thread, but I am a car-free full-time professional dog walker/ pet sitter and bike between client homes (like many other folks in this city).

I'm able to use my bike a reasonable part of the time. I'm a photographer and work primarily in the loop or all over the city at CPS schools photographing web content. Since I'm carrying some serious hardware on my back, I can't afford to risk my precious cameras with precipitation, even with rain flys and some planning. Some of the schools are a bit out of my range too, but whenever possible I ride. 

Even with a conservative estimate, the $ I've saved for my humble little company by biking puts a stupid grin on my face.

(hence my profile picture -- that was mid-dog-walking route last January)

Like Anika, I'm a cycling piano tuner/technician.  I've been doing it for five years and would say I bike to at least half of my jobs.  I live in Uptown and have biked to clients in Oak Park, Skokie, Evanston, Wilmette, Kenilworth, and Morton Grove, plus all over Chicago.  I'm also an accompanist for CPS and a few dance studios around town, and bike to these gigs regularly.

CTA is my back-up during inclement weather or unwielding scheduling logistics.  ZipCar is my fall-back should I need to move equipment or travel to far-reaching suburbs.

Of course, what really makes this all possible is my smartphone and associated transportation apps.

Do you also have a lot of stuff to carry Randall? Any chance of pics of your rig loaded for work?

Posting for AKA Paul--I don't know if you regularly check messages here. I don't. I'm sending you one with some information about a client who needs a dog sitter 2/9 & 2/10. I'm fully booked but would be glad to refer you. 

Just for fun - this was my load this morning. This is NOT what my average work day looks like but I have an unusually large job on Michigan that there was no way I was going to drive or take public transit for. I think the load is around 250lbs.


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