Who did you run into that you know today on your ride? Today was unlike any other day, especially in nice weather.

Aaron at Belmont and Clark and then my brother's ex girlfriend/yoga instructor at Schubert and Clark.

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I saw Cliff today on a beautiful morning to ride in. We met at Augusta and Grand (my new commute staring point) and rode to grand and oakley. Funny ... had I not gone back in the house to get another layer; I would have missed cliff.

chainlink rocks !!!

Whoa! I didn't know you were "Duppie"! Yes, I was walking to the El, regretting that I didn't just ride in, in spite of the occasional drips and dire forecasts of rain.

Duppie said:

I saw Michelle Stenzel walking westbound on Eugenie.

Sedgwick to Eugenie has become my favored route to prevent the last two blocks of Lincoln going southbound.

Today I saw something novel, for sure. 

A guy on a three-wheeled motorized vehicle with a bicycle front end/wheel, a pair of small diameter, but wide slick-rubber wheels in back with an engine between the rear wheels nearly sideswiped me on Clark a bit north of Belmont.  No lights, helmet or tags (clearly a backyard built gadget the size of a large kids tricycle).  He was weaving in and out of traffic and the bike lane.  I watched as he ran a stop sign in heavy traffic and had to swerve hard to avoid being crushed by a SUV.  Of course, he flipped off the driver, and continued on his merry way.  Does anyone know this person? 

LOL, John, that one is pretty crazy.  The thing I saw was clearly assembled with old bike frame tubes or something similar, had a snow blower sized engine and must be fabulously dangerous to even drive.  That green thing pictured at least looks like it is solidly built.

I saw Lucas siebiel twice this weekend. And I saw tons of chainlinkers at park west!
I was seen by Gabe, per his text message. Didn't see him at all. (Sorry, Gabester.)

And I encountered Dan Brown this morning on my way to work, while riding on grand avenue.

dan brown said:

I saw Cliff today on a beautiful morning to ride in. We met at Augusta and Grand (my new commute staring point) and rode to grand and oakley. Funny ... had I not gone back in the house to get another layer; I would have missed cliff.

chainlink rocks !!!

Hey, has anyone seen the newly constructed house about 4 inches from the bike path just south of belmont? it is a narrow winding path to begin with  and includes a lot of traffic. I cannot believe someone allowed that building to go up there. It is built right over the gravel portion.  I see accidents in the future.

I thought to post this here, because I almost ran into it.

Walked past John Greenfield unlocking his bike on State Street downtown late yesterday afternoon, but was too shy to stop and say hello!


No, but I saw him earlier this week, too.


Steve Courtright said:

Today I saw something novel, for sure. 

A guy on a three-wheeled motorized vehicle with a bicycle front end/wheel, a pair of small diameter, but wide slick-rubber wheels in back with an engine between the rear wheels nearly sideswiped me on Clark a bit north of Belmont.  No lights, helmet or tags (clearly a backyard built gadget the size of a large kids tricycle).  He was weaving in and out of traffic and the bike lane.  I watched as he ran a stop sign in heavy traffic and had to swerve hard to avoid being crushed by a SUV.  Of course, he flipped off the driver, and continued on his merry way.  Does anyone know this person? 

Laura and I ran into Kevin Conway on Ogden and Milwaukee yesterday!

Had a nice mobile meeting with Chernoh Sesay who was riding his awesome Surley Long Haul Trucker.


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