So it's national Bike to Work Week, and Friday is National Bike to Work Day. I have seen nothing promoting this in town anywhere, and not even a mention on the Events calendar here on the Chainlink. Is that because every day is bike to work day (as it should be!)? And we celebrate bikes every day anyway!? This is a very big deal in the Bay Area, were Bike to Work Day and I both come from, so perhaps I just expected to find it out here. Mmmmm, energizer stations with cute little musette bags filled with goodies, passed out by bicycle activists as you rode to and from work that day...A bike away from work party...

Active Transportation Alliance doesn't have anything on their website about this...should I be surprised?!

Anyway, is everyone riding to work this week? ;)

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I think Chicago just plans its own Bike to Work Week. It's in June.
OH Yes! This gets a HUGE WTF on my list.

I mean, the whole country has bike to work week now and then we're supposed to wait to get recognition for biking to work all year long?

For years, Chicago's Bike to Work week and rally were in May to coincide with the national effort. Howver, Chicago weather didn't cooperate and was usually cold and miserable. So, it was moved to June a few years ago. Makes for a much better rally. It IS on the Active Trans site, but not yet front page news. Coming sooner...Bike the Drive.
corrie octopus said:

"Anyway, is everyone riding to work this week? ;)"

Don't we ride to work every week (winter too)?
Who cares...You should bike to work every day. It's like Valentines Day, why celebrate your love only one should be every day!!
Thanks Corrie for bringing this up! We at The Chainlink have been working to do something cool to celebrate biking to work in Chicago. We're partnering with REI on Halsted to sponsor a Bike Commuter station for the morning commute. This is part of a coordinated effort by Active Trans and other community groups and will happen mid-June. Come by on your way to work for free coffee, healthy snacks from REI, and to say hi! Let us thank you for commuting to work not just for Bike to Work week, but all the times you do :)

More details are coming soon! Check back here and on the calendar.
Look for info here on the Active Trans site:
First off, Us who Bike to Work Week Daily, we know who we are and we don't do it for a Pat on the Back. Bike to work Week is for people who don't Ride their bikes to work.

Second, the chicago one is in June because the weather is Nicer, the Sun is up longer which is to get more neubees to ride their bikes.

I live in the Northwest Suburbs. No REI's out here, no bike lanes, and a lot of people in big cars in a big hurry. Average speed limit on the roads I comute on 45 mph. Average speed they go more like 50. And these are secondary roads

My comute round trip is 27 miles a day. I leave at 9:15 in the morning and get home about 9:30 pm at night. My Ave MPH 17.5 on a fixed 44-15. Lake County has at least shoulders to ride on. Cook County has no shoulders a big pot holes
Yeah, I'm from San Franscico and I do miss those bags, they were quite nice.
Every day is B2WW for me. I love my bike everyday, not just on the special days.
I do the chi bike rally for the t-shirt... and a banana.
WOW, thanks everyone for your smart thanks to the smart-asses;)

I guess it makes sense to get people more excited about cycling when the weather's a bit nicer, though I do remember seeing something about winter bike-to-work day...(I love this city, you guys are BAD-ASS)...I know, I'm an all-weather rider too, but I was just wondering what the city was doing to promote more transportational anyway, I look forward to the day in June to get those more reluctant folks out there.

In the meantime, happy and safe riding to you every day!


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