

A local publication is looking for top 5 lists of Chicago happenings in 2010.


Any suggestions for the most important or interesting Chicago bicycle news items of this year?




John Greenfield

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I can only think of a couple big stories

Chicago Velo Campus - getting started now, hopefully the biggest story in 2011

Chicago Cross Cup - biggest year yet

Volunteer Bike theft taskforce


Chicago's Bike Share program?

The annual Tour de Fat festival?

Thanks guys - good suggestions!


H3N3 said:

The parking meter thing was 2009, right?

Thanks Howard - good suggestions!


Any other suggestions folks?




John Greenfield

Im thinking.... gonna sleep on it and if I have anything to add will let you know.



(1)  The Brookfield sentencing debacle, Active Trans' letter writing campaign in response and the new relationship that grew between Active Trans and the IL State's Attorney's office as a result.


(2)  The new bicycle safety legislation signed into law by Governor Quinn in July.


(3)  Active Trans' Crash Support Hotline up and running.


(4)  Mayor Daley stepping down.


(5)  The "road rage" lawsuit filed against Matthew Pritzker in federal court.



Good suggestions Brendan. Thanks!

John Greenfield


Brendan Kevenides said:



(1)  The Brookfield sentencing debacle, Active Trans' letter writing campaign in response and the new relationship that grew between Active Trans and the IL State's Attorney's office as a result.


(2)  The new bicycle safety legislation signed into law by Governor Quinn in July.


(3)  Active Trans' Crash Support Hotline up and running.


(4)  Mayor Daley stepping down.


(5)  The "road rage" lawsuit filed against Matthew Pritzker in federal court.



You're welcome.


I should note that a lot of IL bicyclists were killed and seriously injured this year.  Unfortunately, I follow these sad matters.  All of crashes I am aware of (there were a lot) were recounted on my blog during the year.  In my opinion, any one of these events was easily the biggest cycling story of the year.

John Greenfield said:

Good suggestions Brendan. Thanks!

John Greenfield


Brendan Kevenides said:



(1)  The Brookfield sentencing debacle, Active Trans' letter writing campaign in response and the new relationship that grew between Active Trans and the IL State's Attorney's office as a result.


(2)  The new bicycle safety legislation signed into law by Governor Quinn in July.


(3)  Active Trans' Crash Support Hotline up and running.


(4)  Mayor Daley stepping down.


(5)  The "road rage" lawsuit filed against Matthew Pritzker in federal court.



Somewhat of a non-story; but what about Chicago's slip to #10 in most bike-friendly cities?

there is the bcycle bike share program...



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