So I had to replace my helmet. Now i want to do something with the old one and want some creative ideas. This was the helmet that protected my noggin through a hit and run And when the Crazy, Old, Chick turned me into a hood ornament. I'm loving this helmet and want to give it a good send off. Only idea i had was during the next Marauders ride where there might be a bonfire I would toss it in but that doesn't seem like enough....Lemme know your ideas... ;-)

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Turn it upside down. Hang it from a post or tree. Add plastic liner. Fill with water. Now you've got a bird bath. ;)
Rachel said:
Gabe, you can of course do what you like to your lungs and brag about it. But when you make a bonfire with plastics, you're adding to chicago's pollution problem, and hurting other people by increasing asthma - mainly in children. It's not only about you.
THis is Hilarious!
It is pretty funny. ;-) Oy, preach else where. Really...Start a thread on how almost everything i say offends you or on how burning a helmet is awful...I will troll the crap out of that for ya.

Robert Beck said:
Rachel said:
Gabe, you can of course do what you like to your lungs and brag about it. But when you make a bonfire with plastics, you're adding to chicago's pollution problem, and hurting other people by increasing asthma - mainly in children. It's not only about you.
THis is Hilarious!


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