What's Your Favorite Piece of Non-Bike Gear that Happens to Work Great on a Bike?

There's lot of talk about great bike-specific apparel shoes, bags, etc. But what are some pieces of gear that weren't originally intended for use on a bike, but work great for it anyway?

For example, I love the Kuhl Renegade pant. It happens to be meant for hiking and rock climbing, but since it's stretchy and wicks away sweat, it's my go-to for bike commuting. In the summer, I often wear the Renegade shorts for mountain biking and recreational riding: http://www.kuhl.com/kuhl/mens/pants/renegade-pant/

Anyway, I'm interested to hear what people recommend.

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The green of the milk crate does match the bit of green in the logo. Looks legit to me.

I use a soda crate (intended for 8 pop bottles) and it works just fine, not quite as imposing as the milkcrate.

Have a photo? I'm interested to see what this looks like!

I love simple skirts, tights/leggings, and tall boots to ride my bike around town. Very comfortable. 

I like stuff from the construction world, where impacts/abrasions, visibility, and the outputs of exertion are also concerns. One of my favorite pieces of winter gear is a pair of high-viz gloves (about like this) that cost me like $12 at a hardware store. 

But above all, zip-ties.

I'd bet the work gloves are way more durable than cycling-specific ones.

Better than milk crates, I often use landscapers or gardeners crates, like those for shipping tulip bulbs, on my cargo bikes. They're almost twice as big and accommodate odd sized objects and groceries even better.

I use bike tights as long johns when I'm going to be out in the cold for extended periods (non-biking). They are snug, go all the way to the ankles, are easier to layer socks over the calf than my other long johns.

Seems that my not bike specific gear is all for cold and snow.  Lands End snow boots a half size too big are great for layer socks on and off the bike.  Foul weather pants are great for sloppy weather on the boat or on the bike. Lands End Polartec mittens, and a pair of wool knit, fleece lined mittens bought at Costco are the best thing I have found for flexibility (relative) and warmth in the extreme cold.  

I love my sailing foul weather gear [on the bike and the boat]! I've been riding in my spray pants all winter. The are great for blocking the wind and keep me dry from all the road slop.  In the spring/summer I usually pull out my spray top for rainy days [although, at this point, that weather seems so far off...]. 

I bought NeoSocks 3 weeks after a garbage truck diver mentioned them on radio. I have been experimenting with them since. The surprising part is that the foot sections are breathable, so they keep warm in, water out and persperation escapes. You feel the warmth as soon as you put them on. Plus, they are only $15.37. My Gore-Tex socks are now dust collectors.

Cheap, sturdy, rechargeable flashlights! 
UltraFire CREE XM-L T6 LED Adjustable Focus Flashlight

I hear there's a bracket that you can use with these but I made one from PVC that works fine. Also I don't think it's 2500 Lumens but it sure is bright. One of the five modes is a flashing mode that works great. Using this on bike paths/trails out in the suburbs illuminates everything.


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