With leaves changing and temps getting cooler, what rides do you love? All types of rides included... supported or unsupported, bike camping, cross racing, alley cats, tweed rides, etc. 

On my ride around the lake (Lake Geneva, Wisconsin) yesterday. 

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I rode the Hilly Hundred for the first time last year.  Was disappointed I didn't see much color change on the foliage.  Thus, I'm going back again this weekend.  I also enjoy the North Shore Century as the route takes you up to Kensoha, Wisconsin then veer off along the lake front.

I know that biking at 5am is extreme for many, but this morning featured a fantastic show of astronomy with the crescent moon, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter all lined up.   If it's clear, it might be an equally impressive view tomorrow morning as a mere sliver of the moon sits near Mars.

I saw that too. Very cool.


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