Share your pics, videos, streets, stories of what you find in the bike lane of the non-bike variety that has an impact on your ride and/or your safety. I've decided to keep it a little more open ended - cars, snow, buses, garbage, cabs, etc. If they shouldn't be in the bike lane, go ahead and add it to this thread. Please be safe if you are taking pics or video! :-) 

My hope is that we can collectively build some evidence of what we see when riding in the city with the overall hope of better enforcement of "bikes only" and improving maintenance. 

Update: More Hashtags to Capture Vehicles in the Bike Lane

With popular hashtags:

#LaneSpreading (Chicago Bike Selling)

#ClearTheWay (ActiveTrans), there are many options to capture violations.

We think you should use ALL of them AND post your photos on The Chainlink. ;-)

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225 N Franklin St. 311 reports submitted.

I copied this from an  IDOT publication a long time ago and I think I forgot to share it with you.  A car parked in the  bike lane on 55th just east of Kenwood.

Last week I received a reply to the letter I had sent to the 42nd Ward alderman on 10/6 after I had submitted my 200th 311 report. Sadly, the reply was basically a form letter thanking me for bringing it to his attention, and that I should really attend CAPS meetings. It was pretty much the same letter I had received when I first contacted the ward office in early 2017. The local police district commander was cc'd on the reply.

Sigh. What a joke. There was no answer to my question as to why there has been practically zero enforcement of the hotspots on Franklin St, the location for over 100 reports in the past 6 months.


170 N Wells St. 311 report submitted.

235 S Franklin St. 311 report submitted.

1 N Franklin St. 311 report submitted.

225 N Franklin St. 311 report submitted.

287 S Clinton St. 311 report submitted.

520 W Harrison St. 311 report submitted.

599 W Harrison St. 311 report submitted.

377 W Harrison St. 311 report submitted.


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