What is your favorite ride, race or bike-related event? e.g. Bike the Drive, Full Moon, a Tweed ride, North Shore Century, Barry Roubaix
North Shore Century for sure. It's a great way to wrap up the road season. Glencoe Grand Prix at a close 2nd.
Tour de Shore!
Tough to choose between the Perimeter Ride and Tour de Fat.
Bike the Drive is my favorite event because of the vast variety of riders out there.
Heading back for my third, too. Such an easy, friendly way to ride 100 miles.
Yasmeen said:
I'm sure I speak for many in saying world naked bike ride, by an order of magnitude.
Chicago broke its own record last year with a turnout of over 2000 riders.
Followed by Tour De Fat, Perimeter, Underwear, BikeTheDrive, Marauders and masses.
The Four-Star Bike & Chow was a great way to see some different neighborhoods in a very well organized group ride. Plus, it featured a variety of distance options to appeal to a wider variety of riders and proceeds benefit the Active Transportation Alliance.
Ride to Pierogi Fest is one of my favorites! Besides that I'll second CBES rides.
Tour de Fat and the big critical mass.
There were some other smaller groups formed a few years ago that were crazy fun but have disbanded.
When I was a commuter the ride home during rush hour was almost like an event up Milwaukee.
The older I get, the more curmudgonly I become. So, I don't do much for invitationals anymore. That said, it's the Lake Pepin 3 Speed Tour, hands down.
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