With Valentine's Day around the corner, I started thinking about the "loves" in my life. My question to my fellow cyclists is...

What do you love most about cycling?

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The thing I love about cycling is that I can be totally in control of the situation.  It is both Freedom and Simplicity in a age where everything is constrained, full of rules, and complex.

I don't have to buy gas or very much of anything special.  I don't need a license or permission from anyone or fill out any forms.  I don't need insurance or parking permits.  

I can just jump on my bike and ride anywhere without having to pay anybody for anything like gas,  other than a few expendable parts here and there.  Little things like a tube, tires, cables, brakes and stuff like that is just pocket change.  I can even build a bike for myself out of parts I can scrounge for pocket change if I need to.

The whole bike riding activity from start to finish is very liberating and freeing for me.  It's almost like walking but FASTER and a whole lot more fun.  I love the feeling of riding and the feeling of Freedom it gives me.  The wind in my hair and being able to just jump on the bike and ride at a moment's notice.  I love being able to ride anywhere in town and not have to worry about traffic congestion or cars in my way.  I love being able to park right in front of where I am going and lock up pretty much a few steps away from the front door for free.  There are no parking fees or worrying about getting back when the ticket expires.

What is not to love?

To take an activity that has been around close to 500 years and use it for transportation, fun, fitness, social activities, and more....as you said, "what's not to love?"

There are many great quotes about biking and why people LOVE the bicycle.  As you mentioned, it is one of the oldest forms of transportation.

Ernest Hemingway:

"It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since you have to sweat up the hills and coast down them.  Thus you remember them as they actually are, while in a motor car only a high hill impresses you, and you have no such accurate remembrance of country you have driven through as you gain by riding a bicycle. "

Theodore Herzl had started commuting by bicycle in his daily life and said: "A bicycle gives a person new life.”

Michael I miss ya!!! Yeah, I have some descents out west that will probably put me above 60mph. Reunion out west to see the smiles???!!!!

Michael B said:

I love the look on your face when you're descending a hill at 50 mph Kelly.

Because it's COOL!!!!

 The ability to ride virtually anywhere I want whenever I choose without all the hassles of owning a car in this County of Crooks.

 Feeling much more connected to my surroundings during my travels.

 Getting much-needed exercise and helping to keep my carbon footprint as low as possible.

Endorphins, caused by getting the heart and lungs going full throttle.  The independence it provides.  The challenge it affords.  The bike driving community I've met in person and online are conscientiousness, empathetic and generally express high levels of situational awareness.  Which I adore.    

Like you, I L O V E being out doing it.

Now in my case, 50 mph that might require wearing a depends.  Dense as I am, hell I'll try anything twice. 

I wish there was a simple way to just +1 posts on Ning.

But until then I'll just reply with +1.

Steel Driver said:

Endorphins, caused by getting the heart and lungs going full throttle.  The independence it provides.  The challenge it affords.  The bike driving community I've met in person and online are conscientiousness, empathetic and generally express high levels of situational awareness.  Which I adore.    

Like you, I L O V E being out doing it.

Now in my case, 50 mph that might require wearing a depends.  Dense as I am, hell I'll try anything twice. 

I love that it's enabled me to find constant employment as a mechanic for the past decade, regardless of the economy. I love that it's enabled me to travel the US on other folks dimes simply because I could do BMX stunts. I love that it's enabled me to travel the US simply because I have a tent & want to travel. I love that it's enabled me to push my body to it's limits in race scenarios. I love that it's enabled me to meet the best friends I could ever imagine having. I love that it's enabled both myself and many friends to be self-employed.

The way it makes my heart pump <3

I love it all. The camaraderie of cyclists, the exercise-while-commuting, the freedom to go anywhere, anytime, and the great feel of the wind when it is not too heavy.

I love the warmth of the sun, the wind in my face and the sights: the lake, flora, fauna, architecture and the exhilarating freedom while exploring. I like leaving a small carbon footprint, staying in shape, tinkering with its mechanical problems and the people I meet. I love that my passion of bicycling supports my photography passion. What do I love most of all? I relish the adventure of each and every ride.


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