Ok, another year has passed, more miles have been put on my bike. It's Thanksgiving time which is such a good time to think about what we are all most thankful for... 

I put in nearly one year of living bike-only. Sure, my mechanic scolded me for neglecting my car but I began to view Chicago from the perspective of being on two-wheels. It was a most lovely year. 

Now that I'm in D.C. and compare it to Chicago? I'm super grateful for the extensive infrastructure in my favorite Midwestern city. Being in D.C., I see so many cyclists every day riding in between lanes/cars. Being put in situations that I never dealt with in Chicago. One of my first rides on the street, following Google maps bike route, I pretty nearly got smushed by an SUV that was entirely unpredictable in a way I couldn't anticipate. I really feel a deep appreciation for all of the work bike advocacy e.g. Active Trans, Ride Illinois, etc. have done. I now feel Chicago deserved a #1 friendliest bike city. Sure, we have neighborhoods and drivers that put our city in a "needs improvement" but boy do I miss those Chicago bike lanes. 

Ok, so what are you most thankful for?

It can be a piece of gear, your commute, a sunny day, local bike shop, favorite bike, your favorite ride/century/race. Anything is game!

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Sunny days with the wind behind me.

I'm thankful for Robert Mueller.

I'm thankful for the roof over my head, the food on my table and although it could be better, I'm thankful that I'm relatively healthy and am able to ride.

Thankful for family and friends.

And although I don't post here a whole lot, I'm thankful for the Chanlink. I've learned a lot just by reading everyone elses postings.

Oh, and Yasmeen, I love that picture of the bike at the fence. I think I just found a new wallpaper for my computer.



You cannot look at that image without wanting to jump on a bike. :)


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