What are the coolest winter bike events coming up in Chicago and beyond?



For a magazine article, what your favorite organized, already-scheduled winter cycling event in Chicago that is NOT a bike race? We're looking for winter-specific events (i.e. not something that happens every month, year-round) that are unique to Chicago.

(And don't say the Tour de Tiki, Frozen Snot Century or Polka Ride since I help organize these.  ; )  )


Also please let me know about any cool winter bike events in other U.S. and Canadian cities. If you know the date, location, website, etc., please include these in your response.




John Greenfield

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On Saturday at the Crashaversary ride we ate lunch at the French Market downtown.   One of the deli vendors had a banner hanging that read Celebrate Hot Pastrami Day on January 14.    Mike (from Uptown/Urban Bikes) and I thought it would be fun to do a hot pastrami day ride on January 14.


I loved the ugly sweater ride.  And the crafty nights we did last year.



Opps, I am guilty of not reading the entire thread first.  But its an idea I want to bring up at the Bike Winter Kick off party on September 22.

Julie Hochstadter said:

On Saturday at the Crashaversary ride we ate lunch at the French Market downtown.   One of the deli vendors had a banner hanging that read Celebrate Hot Pastrami Day on January 14.    Mike (from Uptown/Urban Bikes) and I thought it would be fun to do a hot pastrami day ride on January 14.



Winter Bike Swap. One of my favorite Chicago bike events.

Good suggestions. Any others?





Workshops at West Town Bikes!

Mondays - Bike Winter Basics

Tuesdays - Tinker Town Tuesday - Open Shop!

Wednesdays - Women and Trans Night

Thursdays - Multi-week Build-A-Bike and Tune Up classes

Saturdays - Open Shop


Keep your ride running smooth all season long with the help of WTB!

For me it's swap meets.  The Harper College and Pulaski Park swaps were both worth the trip last winter.


I don't know if Bicycle Film Festival qualifies, as it's a fall event,  but maybe we will have snow on Nov. 3.


As far as other cities: VeloSwap Denver and the Cronometro Swap in Madison


Why no races?  The Leland Kermesse is a unique event, albeit not in Chicago, and also not winter, although the weather qualified as winter this year.



I hope someone will do the ugly sweater ride and that it will fall on a more hospitable day than it did last year!

Oh yes, the cyclocross championships at Montrose were awesome (and freezing) last year.


I will always remember the announcer saying, "Well, we don't see this often...the racers are actually lining up for a special handup.  I can't mention what it is, but it is coming out of a funnel and it will def keep them warm".


Not sure I got a picture of the 

mark stetson said:


Why no races?  The Leland Kermesse is a unique event, albeit not in Chicago, and also not winter, although the weather qualified as winter this year.



The Bike Winter/WTB party at Empty Bottle last February was fantastic too.


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