hi! my name is jill nerkowski. Ive just invented a weatherproof canopy, and am trying to sell design plans to build your own on your own bike at your own home. please see my website at jillnerkowski.weebly.com
I just joined chain link and love it because the weather matches what I tried to cover and ride in here. its a tuff life riding in the snow and rain. I dreamed for years of a greenhouse surrounding me while I rode ,and finally this year after building a frame for a motorcycle like windshield with a canopy.
I see alot of posts other websites of rainriding, and suggestion for things like plastic bags and elastics for the feet, and and expensive rain gear, and wool sweaters, and these are all good and fine, but wont somone please try my rain canopy?
a good incentive, when I tested it with ordianary plastic dotn nkwo how vinly comapres, the inside canopy reaches temperatures from 4 to 15 degrees warmer temperatures than the outside of the canopy, and even can be 4.
I would like to hear peoples opinions and comments about this rain canopy of mine, and another incentive, to anyone who mentions theyre from chain link, I will reduce the price to 10.00 for each design plan ordered, plus shipping.

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Replies to This Discussion

Jamie said:
I am sorry but I think these so called plans are a bit childish...Take it from someone who has been to more than a few drafting classes...You need to clean them up, improve scale, and ditch the obnoxious color scheme. Drafting tools are your friends while crayons are not...And I just have to add and say hahahahahahahahaha.


If anyone is seriously interested in some cool domes, there's a buckminster fuller show coming to the MCA next month. I won't miss it.

^ that doesn't detract from the fact that both ideas are public, but only one expects hard earned money in exchange for a final product. the author of the instructables post, Vincer, seems to be quite active and thoughtful in the replies to his comments, which lends credit to his craft. the free critique we dish out for jill to consider in the next iteration of her product is nothing to scoff at, yet she seems to have disappeared when her ideas are under heaviest interrogation.

it's attitudes like yours, h3, that I see as dangerous, because there are many immediately obvious problems going on here, without much explanation for the fact that it turns the bike into a wind sail. how can you stick up for such behavior?
Jill, I will send you $25 for the original of this drawing.

Please let me know if you are interested in selling it.


jillnerkowski said:

im tempted to build one just to see if it can be done. travis i would love to see if you actuall built one of these craptacular contraptions because your one of the few people who i think could pull it off. i ll let every one know if i kill myself on the process and i plan to take pics and document its construction step by step . to the inventor , sorry i forget your name, keep trying, most of the famous inventors of yesteryear were considered crazy. keep trying. oh yeay, you might want to market to people in evanston or oak park. chicago is a city with balls, we would be on the bus if we couldnt take the cold. lol
more to come soon
Nice. Thanks for the link, Travesty! I'm a-gonna watch this when I get back home (no sound at work).
Ha! that second clip audio is priceless- put put put put put put thump crash

travesty said:
Speaking of craptacular inventions and killing one's self, everybody who has an appreciation for the marvelous and sometimes clever creations of man should check out GIZMO.

Not to disparage Jill's work here, with the comparison to a bunch of failed ones, but it shows how difficult it can be to design something that works, much less something that will sell.

Some people have already jumped on the personal bike canopy bandwagon:

Hammacher Schlemmer

the Velotop (with rearview mirrors!)

Another forum with her plug here

The last anonymous comment pretty much sums it up.
No, it pretty much sums up why this is a bad idea: low visibility=dangerous riding conditions=confused motorists=possibly worse attitudes toward cyclists. Not to mention the potential for a sail effect here in the windy city.
Good discussion. I still think it's a waste of money from my perspective. Casual bikers and beginners already seem to appreciate the...ahem....already developed "Veltop" device. Looks like a terrible investment due to Chicago's notorious wind and the fact that the rider is still exposed to the elements. Drag and added weight are still a factor. I don't have time to elaborate further.

Please put more focus into building a better and cheaper velomobile instead.


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