check out these pictures.
this is the bridge at the north end of the prairie path.
the bridge is almost completely gone

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The bridge looks fine, the sign should say "trail out".
This reminds me of something out of a road runner cartoon. Upon running over this, one would surely freeze motionless in midair and register surprise followed by resignation as their body began to fall, stretching our their neck attached to their still stationary head, which after a moment would snap down and you could follow the unlucky victim of gravity to a tiny dust-raising landing far below.
That's a little bit worse than it was last year.
Exactly my thought, but with a big splashdown and lots of spluttering.

Joe TV said:
This reminds me of something out of a road runner cartoon. Upon running over this, one would surely freeze motionless in midair and register surprise followed by resignation as their body began to fall, stretching our their neck attached to their still stationary head, which after a moment would snap down and you could follow the unlucky victim of gravity to a tiny dust-raising landing far below.
" the event of a water landing, your seat functions as a flotation device..."
there is a sign about half mile south

Kristian M Zoerhoff said:
Kinda makes it hard to get from South Elgin to Elgin via the Fox River Trail, eh?

Did they post any warning signs for NB trail traffic further south? I'd hate to bike all the way up to this point, then have to turn around and backtrack a half mile or so to get out onto Riverview Ave and Raymond St.

A nit, if I may: the Illinois Prairie Path actually diverges from the FRT a few yards NE of this bridge, so the IPP itself is unaffected. This bridge carries the Fox River Trail below the Union Pacific RR, by slinging it out over Poplar Creek to fit beneath the existing viaduct.
Thank you. I will not be going out there anytime soon, but one has to ask whether there is a semi-easy way to evade or jump over the bridge without getting annihilated by traffic.


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