Looking for a larger Mixte frame or complete bike but really the frame is the important part.  54-56mm seat tube height.  


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It's hard to find used ones that large.  The Mixte bikes were marketed as touring bikes for ladies during the post war years, so most are in smaller sizes.  I built a Soma Buena Vista for a city bike a few years ago and love it.  The Buena Vista comes in larger sizes, I think up to 62CM.

Or the Rolls Royce of Mixtes....the Cheviot!


And Marc, awesome Buena Vista!

Thanks,  but I think the Rolls Royce of mixte's these days would have to be the Riv Wilbury.

For a while Raleigh had a lovely road-oriented mixte. You might find one of these used. I was considering it because it was one of the few mixtes I could find that was available in larger frame sizes. (I'm 6'1" with long legs, and they had frames big enough for me.)


For a local handbuilt option, check out Legacy Frameworks in Bridgeport.


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