Want to join a virtual transportation book club? We meet whenever you want

I just picked up two books from the Logan Square library:

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Every book that has been mentioned I have ordered through Amazon, LOL.  And here I am to be packing to move my belongings to Ohio next Friday!  Because of the move, I love the virtualness of this.

My Pedal Power book has arrived, along with The Immortal Class.  The introduction has grabbed my interest in The Immortal Class, but is there a book of choice for the club Steven? :)

I was imagining it would work like this: We all read the same book together and leave comments on Grid Chicago. I'm not going to devote any time to manage a book club. It's just kind of, "let's read good stuff or read stuff and hope it's good and tell each other about it". Heh. 

Sounds perfect.  I am diving into The Immortal Class.  Let me know if you have a link to space on Grid Chicago for feedback.  With just bringing up the idea, I have gotten so many recommendations already, thanks!

Sure.  That works for me.

Steven Vance said:

I was imagining it would work like this: We all read the same book together and leave comments on Grid Chicago. I'm not going to devote any time to manage a book club. It's just kind of, "let's read good stuff or read stuff and hope it's good and tell each other about it". Heh. 

I'm behind on my reading of Traffic. I'm on page 30 now. 


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