Normally, I wouldn't want to feed trolls, but this has some potential for amusement.  This is a small sample of his post:

Bicycling when it is colder than 20 degrees above zero is downright suicidal!  And I mean suicidal!  At those temps, not only does sweat-saturated clothes conduct the cold to your body, resulting in hypothermia, but the sweat can even freeze and turn into solid ice!  And then you may as well be wearing an iceberg as clothing.  Even snowsuits will not provide any protection, especially once saturated with sweat/frozen sweat.

I know there are other Oak Park residents here.  He even attached a handy picture...Crazy%20bicyclist.jpg

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There is no link to the article; I really want to a comment though...

I only care enough to make trouble if it is REALLY easy.

h' 1.0 said:

Slacker generation: can send text messages and update their twitface in their sleep but it's too much work to use da Google.

Sorry about that-- I was just happy to attach the picture :)
yes.... that troll is right!!! statistics clearly show...4-season biking is almost nearly as suicidal as any day of the year for someone just simply trying to stroll around oak park!!

because as we well know, if one isn't for blunting, assaulting or making illegal every single potential source of harm?.. it can only logically follow that one must be suicidal.
oy vey.... "solid ice"....

don't ride people... that's how rough it is....

solid ice? as opposed to liquid ice?... or gaseous ice.... or.. ice in the energetic fourth state... plasma ice!!!

good to see physicists reporting cautionary data from oak park

but the sweat can even freeze and turn into solid ice!

HAHAHHAHA, when was the last time you saw someone encased in a sheet of ice from sweat?

You can prove anything with statistics. 42% of people know that.

bk (aka: Dr. Mambohead) said:

yes.... that troll is right!!! statistics clearly show...4-season biking is almost nearly as suicidal as any day of the year for someone just simply trying to stroll around oak park!!

because as we well know, if one isn't for blunting, assaulting or making illegal every single potential source of harm?.. it can only logically follow that one must be suicidal.

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