'Walk your bike on the sidewalk' sting operation...I got a ticket as did others

Corner of Michigan and Monroe..last couple of blocks before lakefront path

Just wishing they would pick a more clear cut spot if they wanted to enforce some of the many traffic violations that bikers are responsible for.  

There's really no good choice here (in my opinion).  Cars are going faster past Michigan going East on Monroe and there's not a lot of room for bikes on the side.  Many if not most bikers, ride on the sidewalk here for this reason.  

According to the grumpy cop who wrote my ticket, he doesn't care and I can call my alderman. Yay.  


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There were probably complaints. I'm sure that is why they were ticketing in the area.

Eff it, I'll take Dearborn when I leave today.

did they take your licence or did you just get the ticket?

Just the ticket.  Although the cop did tell me he's letting me keep my license, which seemed redundant to me.  

Illinois is weird like that. This is the first place I've ever heard of that takes your driving license when being ticketed. If you are driving a car, couldn't they get you for driving without a license after they ticket you?

Your copy of the citation substitutes for your license until you get it back.  If you dont want to surrender it, you can provide a bond card (if you have one) or go to the police station and post bond.

Davo said:

Illinois is weird like that. This is the first place I've ever heard of that takes your driving license when being ticketed. If you are driving a car, couldn't they get you for driving without a license after they ticket you?

City gotta get paid. Avoid the taxes for stickers, parking, etc...getcha doing other stuff. Kinda sad if you think how much violence is happening elsewhere in our city that could potentially be decreased according to some by more cpd presence. Eh...

Forgive me if this is visible somewhere on the ticket itself and I'm just missing it, but how much was the ticket for?

Ha..yeah I was wondering that too!  Turns out code 9-52-020 is only a $25 penalty.  Which is like..a time machine ticket.  I didn't even know that still had tickets that cheap.  Also its an 'ordinance violation' not a moving violation which is great.  BUT.. (according to the grumpy cop) if you get 3 ordinance violations they take your driver's license away.  Not sure in what time frame

I know I'm going to get crucified by the uptight law & order types for this, but this is the main reason why I almost never bike with ID.

My name?  Uhhh...  Bob Johnson.  From Denver.  Yeah, that'll do.  I'm Bob Johnson from Denver.

The hearing (should you choose to attend) is at 400 W. Superior which is the city's administrative hearing court.  Not the same as traffic court.  That might be one reason there was no requirement to post a bond.  The other thing is I seem to remember reading recently that drivers' licenses were not going to be taken as bond even in moving violations, but I don't remember where or when I read it.

wish they start giving out tickets for bikers running red lights....


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