Vote for Miguel delValle! Rahm is not interested in bettering Chicago.

Don't mean to get all political, but I just read Rahm's Wiki page, read some other info on him and the Chicago machine and pulled some gems for a These Blog Postings .  What does everyone else think about this kind of individual continuing to set the tone for our city?


I don't like it a bit.


Del Valle seems awesome!  anyone have any dirt I should know about him before joining his team for sure?  (hint... there was none.  I joined his team for sure!)


Love ya!


Going for a ride.....


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50%. We need to get the number down from that. Most people aren't smart enough to vote. Sure they have the right but not the brains.

Somebody asked about proof that Rahm was bankrolled out of state.

I hope this article will suffice.

I was planning to vote for John Hawkins, the Socialist Workers Party candidate, but am thinking about voting for Carol Mosley Braun, the only candidate with the guts to accuse a rival of hiring the Latin Kings to harass her.


Del Valle has always struck me as a clown and Emanuel as a criminal, but I will give them credit for being the only two to introduce a slight bit of hedging when pledging their support for slavery reparations, which all the candidates did in the debate at the DuSable Museum.

If they ever decide to redistribute wealth based on race, I am out of this town. Taxpayers are the real slaves...

Del Valle gets my vote. I'd rather vote for someone who I think would be ethical and develop a good working relationship with the city council.  It certainly doesn't hurt that he's taken a positive stance on bike and ped issues - much more than the other candidates.

Braun has plenty of empathy but no substance and a poor track record on actually getting things done.  I think Chico would be capable, but he's been promising the moon on a lot of things without as much realism on how to pay for them.  Emanuel just comes across as slimy.  I don't trust him at all.

Hi Travis,

Thanks for the link. Several times in the course of a few minutes last night you posted that Miguel is the "only" candidate not taking money from suburbanites and . . . well, here's a quote:

How can we improve the city of Chicago if all of the candidates are taking money from suburbanites and multi billion dollar corporations that have no interests in the problems every day Chicagoans face.

Anything on Patty, Carol, Doc?

jlj said:

Somebody asked about proof that Rahm was bankrolled out of state.

I hope this article will suffice.

Hmmm . . . I've been watching but I think he's been fairly gray overall on bike and ped issues; Rahm actually has the most specific and progressive alternative transportation platform of all the candidates, from what I've seen; I'm not saying I'd automatically run to a candidate who promised what they thought I'd want to hear, but somehow I've missed this info.

Anne Alt said:

It certainly doesn't hurt that he's taken a positive stance on bike and ped issues - much more than the other candidates.



Team Rahm will get 51+%



I don't like any of these people, but criticizing them for taking money from the suburbs is a bit much. People in the suburbs tend to be part of the city, whether because they work or own a business or what have you. Even if they aren't, they have interests here, no reason for them not to buy politicians like everyone else. The out of state money is a whole different thing, of course.

Game over-- the SW News Herald has endorsed Chico.


And he is not afraid to take Emanuel on. He has criticized Emanuel’s tax plan that would include taxing some services like tanning salons, limo rides, private clubs and pet grooming. Chico, 54, said that Emanuel’s tax proposal, which he refers to as the “Rahm Tax,” will hurt families who are already overburdened by high taxes. Emanuel has taken his criticism seriously because he countered with his own commercials defending the tax plan.


Summary: Taxing tanning salons, limo rides, private clubs, and pet grooming will hurt families who are already overburdened by high taxes.


The ignorance being bandied about in this election is suffocating.

This video breaks down the candidates on corruption and transparency and is really well done.  Made by an unpaid concerned citizen who cares about his city.


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