Vote for Miguel delValle! Rahm is not interested in bettering Chicago.

Don't mean to get all political, but I just read Rahm's Wiki page, read some other info on him and the Chicago machine and pulled some gems for a These Blog Postings .  What does everyone else think about this kind of individual continuing to set the tone for our city?


I don't like it a bit.


Del Valle seems awesome!  anyone have any dirt I should know about him before joining his team for sure?  (hint... there was none.  I joined his team for sure!)


Love ya!


Going for a ride.....


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del valle is a nice guy but is no more than a dressed up alderman. he is very weak and a weak mayor is gonna have the alderman running all over him. chico doesnt have the pull either and a very close friend of mine is a very close friend of his and is not voting for him.

Rahm has the power to run the city and not have it run away on its own and we get a lil favor from the fed that never hurts.

a vote for braun is a waste cause the irs audit is coming. really? 16k last year? have fun in jail.

And Mayor Daley was soooo nice.

I'm moderately informed but I'd rather have someone drop the "f" bomb and mock a few people than the passive aggressive behind your back stuff of late.

howie, i'll debate ya over a couple shots. alderman r useless. :-)
H3N3 said:
What you call 'alderman walking all over  the mayor" is what I'd call the way our city government would function if it wasn't broken.

Amen to that.  The idea that we need a heavy-handed "jerk" with "balls" to keep the aldermen in line is, frankly, disturbing.  As if the problem of the Daley era was the the city council was too independent.  But if you want things to be pretty much the same as they are now, and possibly even more so, then Rahm's your guy; he'll probably do a good job of keeping the machine going.

I'm voting for Miguel del Valle, for multiple reasons, including his positions on transportation.  For one thing, he's the only one who really seems to care about bikes even a little.  But also because I think he's the best chance to make a dent in the corrupt political machine.

Somewhat bothersome?  I consider this level of arrogance extremely troubling.  I got the same vibe from Giannoulias, too.

Vando said:
It is somewhat bothersome to me that Emmanuel seems to think he doesn't even need to show up to forums. Almost as if he feels like he has this baby locked up. Seems like every one of the President's local pals think they are somehow entitled to win elections. I got the same vibe from Gianoulias, but maybe it's just me.
I think the debate on WGN last night reaffirmed I'm voting for Del Valle. Of the 4 major candidates he's the only one that didn't come off as a politician just saying what people wanted to hear, which I never trust. And yes, Rahm is a jerk.


Brash is not necessarily bad, in fact it is good for getting things done, pushing forward an agenda, of course if you agree with that agenda.


Too bad Emanuel lacks del Valle`s ideology, and del Valle lacks Emanuel`s power.


Tweeted by Rahm 10 minutes ago ;-) HIs plan for makin chicago more bike friendly.


And Chico on our wonderful Sales Tax:

Under the plan, Chicago would be a pioneer in the creation and expansion of protected bike lanes, which are separated from traveling cars and sit between the sidewalk and a row of parked cars that shield cyclists from street traffic.

Why does Rahm want cyclists to get doored?

Dr. Doom said:

Why does Rahm want cyclists to get doored?
Goof ;-) we already get doored - i'd rather be doored onto the sidewalk then into traffic ;-)

Dr. Doom said:
Under the plan, Chicago would be a pioneer in the creation and expansion of protected bike lanes, which are separated from traveling cars and sit between the sidewalk and a row of parked cars that shield cyclists from street traffic.

Why does Rahm want cyclists to get doored?

Regardless of who becomes mayor, I like Rahm's bicycle parking ideas . . .


Safe bike lanes will help Chicagoans travel through the neighborhoods, but businesses and offices need places to safely store bicycles. Rahm will push an ordinance to change building codes for all office buildings with more than 200 tenants, requiring that they offer protected bike storage facilities at the rate of one spot for every 20 employees in the building. Under the plan, buildings will be able to work together to expand bike parking in the most cost-effective way possible. For new developments, Rahm will work with city departments and local developers to draft a change in the building code that would require secure bike parking based on the square-footage of the development, and offer incentives for increased bike parking, including a reduction in required car parking slots in exchange for enhanced bike parking facilities. He will also task his budget office with devising a plan to offer tax incentives for any company that offers shower and locker facilities on-site for bicycle commuters.

Rahm will also work to replace the bike parking that was lost in neighborhoods when 40,000 parking meters were removed and replaced with the current pay boxes. The meters served the dual purpose of providing a secure base to lock a bike. There are currently 12,000 bike racks, providing 24,000 spaces. Rahm will work to double that number by adding racks and sheltered bike parking in the neighborhoods and downtown to increase convenience and security for bikers who do not have parking at their buildings. Bike parking will be expanded at transit facilities, and co-planned with new car-sharing sites and walkability improvements to make it as easy as possible to get around without a car.


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