I've got a helmet camera that I almost never use. I'm contemplating recording my commute—just pondering whether it's worth it to gather footage that I'll usually never look at. 

You folks who record: Do you look back regularly/every time/only if something happens? Do you save your videos? Do you record "in case of disaster" or for other reasons? 

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On a related note, does anyone have any recommendations for a good commute camera, and if so why do you recommend it? I've been pondering getting one, and am looking for specific features that others find make the camera convenient and useful.

I've been using front and rear mounted cameras for around 10 years.  I've never needed the footage, but I still run them, because if something does happen the camera will be there to tell the story to the authorities.  I use a GoPro on the front, and a Garmin virb on the rear, simply because those are the cameras I have.  

The answer here may depend on how you ride.  If you stop at stop signs and lights, and otherwise follow the rules of the road, then your recordings would help you press a case, or, be exculpatory if there's a case against you,


If you're a rule-breaker and strike a pedestrian or otherwise create a roadway hazard while breaking the rules that results in a traffic accident or injury of of someone, then your video evidence is just that.  Evidence.  And if you destroy your video file or alter your usual pattern of record retention after a traffic mishap or your documentation or deletion (you'll likely be asked about all that by an attorney who's not on your side) to evade prosecution or tort action, you can be in a world of hurt for that as well.  So it all depends on how you ride. This one's a two-way street not a one-way street. 

Ha, yeah, that's a consideration. I'm sort of puzzling now through what my usual pattern of record retention should be to begin with. But I'm pretty satisfied with my law-abiding-ness. LOL. 

Brother Keto, you don't ever give up, do ya?  The lecture on "following the Rules of the Road" and cyclist responsibility is tiresome and then some. But please, please, don't stop.

Given the absolutely abysmal record of the CPD when it comes to hit & runs -- even WHEN they are clearly recorded -- I would put NO faith in the value of such evidence. However, your mileage may vary. Personally, I find the recording your ride to be a Potemkin exercise. But if it gives you peace of mind, disregard my cynicism.

Not sure the root of sensitivity to folks following the rules of the road.  They're key to safe cycling, and a solution to many of the inherent safety problems of mixing of varied vehicles and pedestrians on the same surface.  Traffic engineering from a safety perspective is predicated on both the physical structure and orderly movement within it, and is where cyclists can contribute to their odds of injury or worse.  Whereas we spill much digital ink pondering those same matters of cycling safety in this space, it is those rules which are relevant with or without any reflex for cynicism.  Happy New Year!    

Who's "sensitive" to folks abiding by the rules of the road? It's the whiff of self-righteousness that I don't dig. But upon re-reading your comments from November, it wasn't nearly as "offensive" as all that. Furthermore, there was NO need for me to take a swipe at you from a comment shared from over a month ago. That is bullshit on me. Pardon moi.

Out the door,


I use a cycliq fly 12 sport (front camera). 1) it doubles as a light. 2) runtime is okay for recording only, maybe 5 hours? 3) Flashing/steady lights cuts into that time down to 3-4, but you can turn off the light if you have other sources. 4) The cycliq is mostly a dashcam type device. You just power it on and it keeps looping. If you want to save an incident, hit a button on the camera and it locks that file for later review. 5) I generally just use the camera to make me feel tiny safer so the "in case of disaster scenario" you describe. Sometimes I post angry videos/screenshots to twitter. Great for Bikelane Uprising if you go that route and you cant get out your phone.


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