Thought I would share this blog post.
Monday, June 14, 2010
A reader writes in with this disturbing account:
"I want to pass this information along in hopes it doesn't happen to someone else. Yesterday around 7:15 PM I was jumped by three black males in their early 20's. I was on my bike and was traveling through the Lawrence tunnel to the lake bike path. They acted like they were going to be walking through. Just as I was coming out on the east side of the tunnel, one jumped right in front of me and started punching. They were trying to steal my bike. I am a big guy too, 6'1, 240#. It was a planned attack. My friend who was a little ahead of me turned around and rode right in the middle of them and broke it up. Unfortunately, they starting punching him as well. We managed to keep our bikes and were not seriously hurt. My friend tried to follow them and a pedestrian said he saw the three changing their clothes. I just want to inform people of this kind of crap!"

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Oh, I was thinking this was the Lawrence tunnel under LSD. What you're saying is this is the tunnel east of Argyle. Yeah, I use that one a lot. Lots of homeless dudes use the trees around the west opening as their local washroom. Been through there hearing many a drunk argument, fueled by fortified wine, or so the bottles of April Wine and MD 20/20 I've seen littering the ground led me to believe. I didn't get into the comments section of that blurb hence my original assumption.

J M said:
One more update from the comments section. Clarifying where exactly this happened:
"jtcin said...
yes I called 911 and did a police report. This happened in the tunnel just north of lawrence by the martgate house. There is a tunnel that goes underneath Lake Shore Drive.
June 14, 2010 1:33 PM"
I usually go a couple blocks out of my way to avoid that tunnel. I'm on Winnemac and usually cut across Broadway to Argyle. Take Argyle to Marine and head back north to Foster and head to the path from that entrance.
Sometimes I wish I had a bicycle that doubled as a weapon.

I'd rather be able to blithely flick lightening bolts out of my fingertips. There'd be fewer Cubs/Sox fans if I could do this. It's probably a good thing that I can't do this.

Juan Dominguez said:
Sometimes I wish I had a bicycle that doubled as a weapon.

thanks JM.. is there a picture of the person who was "JUMPED" ? I ride wilson and Lawrence a lot just wondering if it someone I pass and give a node to.
@ wig (isaac), there is no photo, just the blog entry in my OP.

So bad, but true.

Clark said:
~ twenty years ago there were some unwed mothers who couldn't afford abortions. If you really want to help reduce this problem in the future....

Chicago Abortion Fund
So edgy.

Clark said:
~ twenty years ago there were some unwed mothers who couldn't afford abortions. If you really want to help reduce this problem in the future....

Chicago Abortion Fund
makes you want to believe in abortion even if it's 20 years too late...
...and that's a fine thing coming from someone who was once a youth in asia.
Please stay on topic: Safety, Uptown, Lake Front Path.

If you want to discuss abortion with Clark, add him as a friend and send some private messages.
Agreed, especially since no one here has the capability to travel back in time two decades to weed out undesirables.

J M said:
Please stay on topic: Safety, Uptown, Lake Front Path.

If you want to discuss abortion with Clark, add him as a friend and send some private messages.


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